A version of
TMap parametrized by an interpretation
This sort of parametrization may be familiar to users of
vinyl records.
TypeRepMap f is a more efficient replacement for
DMap TypeRep f (where
DMap is from the
dependent-map package).
Here is an example of using
Maybe as an interpretation, with a
comparison to
TMap TypeRepMap Maybe
-------------- -------------------
Int -> 5 Int -> Just 5
Bool -> True Bool -> Nothing
Char -> 'x' Char -> Just 'x'
In fact, a
TMap is defined as
TypeRep is poly-kinded, the interpretation can use any
kind for the keys. For instance, we can use the
Symbol kind to
TypeRepMap as an extensible record:
newtype Field name = F (FType name)
type family FType (name :: Symbol) :: Type
type instance FType "radius" = Double
type instance FType "border-color" = RGB
type instance FType "border-width" = Double
TypeRepMap Field
"radius" -> F 5.7
"border-color" -> F (rgb 148 0 211)
"border-width" -> F 0.5