microlens- A tiny lens library with no dependencies
Copyright(C) 2013-2016 Edward Kmett 2015-2016 Artyom Kazak 2018 Monadfix
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellUnsafe



This module is needed to give other packages from the microlens family (like microlens-ghc) access to functions and classes that don't need to be exported from Lens.Micro (because they just clutter the namespace). Also:

  • traversed is here because otherwise there'd be a dependency cycle
  • sets is here because it's used in RULEs

Classes like Each, Ixed, etc are provided for convenience – you're not supposed to export functions that work on all members of Ixed, for instance. Only microlens can do that. You mustn't declare instances of those classes for other types, either; these classes are incompatible with lens's classes, and by doing so you would divide the ecosystem.

If you absolutely need to define an instance (e.g. for internal use), only do it for your own types, because otherwise I might add an instance to one of the microlens packages later and if our instances are different it might lead to subtle bugs.



traversed :: Traversable f => Traversal (f a) (f b) a b Source #

traversed traverses any Traversable container (list, vector, Map, Maybe, you name it):

>>> Just 1 ^.. traversed

traversed is the same as traverse, but can be faster thanks to magic rewrite rules.

folded :: Foldable f => SimpleFold (f a) a Source #

folded is a fold for anything Foldable. In a way, it's an opposite of mapped – the most powerful getter, but can't be used as a setter.

foldring :: Monoid r => ((a -> Const r a -> Const r a) -> Const r a -> s -> Const r a) -> (a -> Const r b) -> s -> Const r t Source #

foldrOf :: Getting (Endo r) s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r Source #

foldMapOf :: Getting r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r Source #

sets :: ((a -> b) -> s -> t) -> ASetter s t a b Source #

sets creates an ASetter from an ordinary function. (The only thing it does is wrapping and unwrapping Identity.)

phantom :: Const r a -> Const r b Source #

class Each s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


each :: Traversal s t a b Source #

each tries to be a universal Traversal – it behaves like traversed in most situations, but also adds support for e.g. tuples with same-typed values:

>>> (1,2) & each %~ succ
>>> ["x", "y", "z"] ^. each

However, note that each doesn't work on every instance of Traversable. If you have a Traversable which isn't supported by each, you can use traversed instead. Personally, I like using each instead of traversed whenever possible – it's shorter and more descriptive.

You can use each with these things:

each :: Traversal [a] [b] a b

each :: Traversal (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
each :: Traversal (Either a a) (Either b b) a b  -- since 0.4.11

each :: Traversal (a,a) (b,b) a b
each :: Traversal (a,a,a) (b,b,b) a b
each :: Traversal (a,a,a,a) (b,b,b,b) a b
each :: Traversal (a,a,a,a,a) (b,b,b,b,b) a b

each :: (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) => Traversal (Complex a) (Complex b) a b

You can also use each with types from array, bytestring, and containers by using microlens-ghc, or additionally with types from vector, text, and unordered-containers by using microlens-platform.


Instances details
Each (Complex a) (Complex b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (Complex a) (Complex b) a b Source #

Each (NonEmpty a) (NonEmpty b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (NonEmpty a) (NonEmpty b) a b Source #

Each (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b Source #

Each [a] [b] a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal [a] [b] a b Source #

(a ~ a', b ~ b') => Each (Either a a') (Either b b') a b Source #

Since: 0.4.11

Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (Either a a') (Either b b') a b Source #

(a ~ b, q ~ r) => Each (a, b) (q, r) a q Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (a, b) (q, r) a q Source #

(a ~ b, a ~ c, q ~ r, q ~ s) => Each (a, b, c) (q, r, s) a q Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (a, b, c) (q, r, s) a q Source #

(a ~ b, a ~ c, a ~ d, q ~ r, q ~ s, q ~ t) => Each (a, b, c, d) (q, r, s, t) a q Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (a, b, c, d) (q, r, s, t) a q Source #

(a ~ b, a ~ c, a ~ d, a ~ e, q ~ r, q ~ s, q ~ t, q ~ u) => Each (a, b, c, d, e) (q, r, s, t, u) a q Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


each :: Traversal (a, b, c, d, e) (q, r, s, t, u) a q Source #

type family Index (s :: *) :: * Source #


Instances details
type Index (NonEmpty a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type Index (NonEmpty a) = Int
type Index [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type Index [a] = Int
type Index (e -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type Index (e -> a) = e

type family IxValue (m :: *) :: * Source #


Instances details
type IxValue (NonEmpty a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type IxValue (NonEmpty a) = a
type IxValue [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type IxValue [a] = a
type IxValue (e -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

type IxValue (e -> a) = a

class Ixed m where Source #


ix :: Index m -> Traversal' m (IxValue m) Source #

This traversal lets you access (and update) an arbitrary element in a list, array, Map, etc. (If you want to insert or delete elements as well, look at at.)

An example for lists:

>>> [0..5] & ix 3 .~ 10

You can use it for getting, too:

>>> [0..5] ^? ix 3
Just 3

Of course, the element may not be present (which means that you can use ix as a safe variant of (!!)):

>>> [0..5] ^? ix 10

Another useful instance is the one for functions – it lets you modify their outputs for specific inputs. For instance, here's maximum that returns 0 when the list is empty (instead of throwing an exception):

maximum0 = maximum & ix [] .~ 0

The following instances are provided in this package:

ix :: Int -> Traversal' [a] a

ix :: Int -> Traversal' (NonEmpty a) a

ix :: (Eq e) => e -> Traversal' (e -> a) a

You can also use ix with types from array, bytestring, and containers by using microlens-ghc, or additionally with types from vector, text, and unordered-containers by using microlens-platform.


Instances details
Ixed (NonEmpty a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal

Ixed [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


ix :: Index [a] -> Traversal' [a] (IxValue [a]) Source #

Eq e => Ixed (e -> a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


ix :: Index (e -> a) -> Traversal' (e -> a) (IxValue (e -> a)) Source #

class Ixed m => At m where Source #


at :: Index m -> Lens' m (Maybe (IxValue m)) Source #

This lens lets you read, write, or delete elements in Map-like structures. It returns Nothing when the value isn't found, just like lookup:

Data.Map.lookup k m = m ^. at k

However, it also lets you insert and delete values by setting the value to Just value or Nothing:

Data.Map.insert k a m = m & at k .~ Just a

Data.Map.delete k m = m & at k .~ Nothing

Or you could use (?~) instead of (.~):

Data.Map.insert k a m = m & at k ?~ a

Note that at doesn't work for arrays or lists. You can't delete an arbitrary element from an array (what would be left in its place?), and you can't set an arbitrary element in a list because if the index is out of list's bounds, you'd have to somehow fill the stretch between the last element and the element you just inserted (i.e. [1,2,3] & at 10 .~ 5 is undefined). If you want to modify an already existing value in an array or list, you should use ix instead.

at is often used with non. See the documentation of non for examples.

Note that at isn't strict for Map, even if you're using Data.Map.Strict:

>>> Data.Map.Strict.size (Data.Map.Strict.empty & at 1 .~ Just undefined)

The reason for such behavior is that there's actually no “strict Map” type; Data.Map.Strict just provides some strict functions for ordinary Maps.

This package doesn't actually provide any instances for at, but there are instances for Map and IntMap in microlens-ghc and an instance for HashMap in microlens-platform.

ixAt :: At m => Index m -> Traversal' m (IxValue m) Source #

class Field1 s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_1 :: Lens s t a b Source #

Gives access to the 1st field of a tuple (up to 5-tuples).

Getting the 1st component:

>>> (1,2,3,4,5) ^. _1

Setting the 1st component:

>>> (1,2,3) & _1 .~ 10

Note that this lens is lazy, and can set fields even of undefined:

>>> set _1 10 undefined :: (Int, Int)
(10,*** Exception: Prelude.undefined

This is done to avoid violating a lens law stating that you can get back what you put:

>>> view _1 . set _1 10 $ (undefined :: (Int, Int))

The implementation (for 2-tuples) is:

_1 f t = (,) <$> f    (fst t)
             <*> pure (snd t)

or, alternatively,

_1 f ~(a,b) = (\a' -> (a',b)) <$> f a

(where ~ means a lazy pattern).

_2, _3, _4, and _5 are also available (see below).


Instances details
Field1 (a, b) (a', b) a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_1 :: Lens (a, b) (a', b) a a' Source #

Field1 (a, b, c) (a', b, c) a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_1 :: Lens (a, b, c) (a', b, c) a a' Source #

Field1 (a, b, c, d) (a', b, c, d) a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_1 :: Lens (a, b, c, d) (a', b, c, d) a a' Source #

Field1 (a, b, c, d, e) (a', b, c, d, e) a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_1 :: Lens (a, b, c, d, e) (a', b, c, d, e) a a' Source #

class Field2 s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_2 :: Lens s t a b Source #


Instances details
Field2 (a, b) (a, b') b b' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_2 :: Lens (a, b) (a, b') b b' Source #

Field2 (a, b, c) (a, b', c) b b' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_2 :: Lens (a, b, c) (a, b', c) b b' Source #

Field2 (a, b, c, d) (a, b', c, d) b b' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_2 :: Lens (a, b, c, d) (a, b', c, d) b b' Source #

Field2 (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b', c, d, e) b b' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_2 :: Lens (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b', c, d, e) b b' Source #

class Field3 s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_3 :: Lens s t a b Source #


Instances details
Field3 (a, b, c) (a, b, c') c c' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_3 :: Lens (a, b, c) (a, b, c') c c' Source #

Field3 (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c', d) c c' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_3 :: Lens (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c', d) c c' Source #

Field3 (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c', d, e) c c' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_3 :: Lens (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c', d, e) c c' Source #

class Field4 s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_4 :: Lens s t a b Source #


Instances details
Field4 (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d') d d' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_4 :: Lens (a, b, c, d) (a, b, c, d') d d' Source #

Field4 (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c, d', e) d d' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_4 :: Lens (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c, d', e) d d' Source #

class Field5 s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_5 :: Lens s t a b Source #


Instances details
Field5 (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c, d, e') e e' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_5 :: Lens (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c, d, e') e e' Source #

class Cons s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_Cons :: Traversal s t (a, s) (b, t) Source #


Instances details
Cons [a] [b] a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_Cons :: Traversal [a] [b] (a, [a]) (b, [b]) Source #

class Snoc s t a b | s -> a, t -> b, s b -> t, t a -> s where Source #


_Snoc :: Traversal s t (s, a) (t, b) Source #


Instances details
Snoc [a] [b] a b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Lens.Micro.Internal


_Snoc :: Traversal [a] [b] ([a], a) ([b], b) Source #

class Strict lazy strict | lazy -> strict, strict -> lazy where Source #


strict :: Lens' lazy strict Source #

strict lets you convert between strict and lazy versions of a datatype:

>>> let someText = "hello" :: Lazy.Text
>>> someText ^. strict
"hello" :: Strict.Text

It can also be useful if you have a function that works on a strict type but your type is lazy:

stripDiacritics :: Strict.Text -> Strict.Text
stripDiacritics = ...
>>> let someText = "Paul Erdős" :: Lazy.Text
>>> someText & strict %~ stripDiacritics
"Paul Erdos" :: Lazy.Text

strict works on ByteString and StateT/WriterT/RWST if you use microlens-ghc, and additionally on Text if you use microlens-platform.

lazy :: Lens' strict lazy Source #

lazy is like strict but works in opposite direction:

>>> let someText = "hello" :: Strict.Text
>>> someText ^. lazy
"hello" :: Lazy.Text


type HasCallStack = ?callStack :: CallStack Source #

Request a CallStack.

NOTE: The implicit parameter ?callStack :: CallStack is an implementation detail and should not be considered part of the CallStack API, we may decide to change the implementation in the future.

Since: base-

Coerce compatibility shim

coerce :: forall {k :: RuntimeRep} (a :: TYPE k) (b :: TYPE k). Coercible a b => a -> b Source #

The function coerce allows you to safely convert between values of types that have the same representation with no run-time overhead. In the simplest case you can use it instead of a newtype constructor, to go from the newtype's concrete type to the abstract type. But it also works in more complicated settings, e.g. converting a list of newtypes to a list of concrete types.

This function is runtime-representation polymorphic, but the RuntimeRep type argument is marked as Inferred, meaning that it is not available for visible type application. This means the typechecker will accept coerce @Int @Age 42.

Coerce-like composition

(#.) :: Coercible c b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c infixr 9 Source #

(.#) :: Coercible b a => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c infixl 8 Source #