Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




pgetContinuingOutputs :: Term s (PBuiltinList PTxInInfo :--> (PBuiltinList PTxOut :--> (PTxOutRef :--> PBuiltinList PTxOut))) Source #

Find the output txns corresponding to the input being validated.

Takes as arguments the inputs, outputs and the spending transaction referenced from PScriptPurpose.


 ctx <- tcont $ pletFields ["txInfo", "purpose"] sc
 pmatchC (getField "purpose" ctx) >>= case
   PSpending outRef' -> do
     let outRef = pfield "_0" # outRef'
         inputs = pfield "inputs" # (getField "txInfo" ctx)
         outputs = pfield "outputs" # (getField @"txInfo" ctx)
     pure $ pgetContinuingOutputs # inputs # outputs # outRef
   _ ->
     pure $ ptraceError "not a spending tx"

pfindOwnInput :: Term s (PBuiltinList PTxInInfo :--> (PTxOutRef :--> PMaybe PTxInInfo)) Source #

Find the input being spent in the current transaction.

Takes as arguments the inputs, as well as the spending transaction referenced from PScriptPurpose.


 ctx <- tcont $ pletFields ["txInfo", "purpose"] sc
 pmatchC (getField "purpose" ctx) >>= case
   PSpending outRef' -> do
     let outRef = pfield "_0" # outRef'
         inputs = pfield "inputs" # (getField @"txInfo" ctx)
     pure $ pfindOwnInput # inputs # outRef
   _ ->
     pure $ ptraceError "not a spending tx"

pparseDatum :: forall a s. PTryFrom PData (PAsData a) => Term s (PDatumHash :--> (PBuiltinList (PAsData (PTuple PDatumHash PDatum)) :--> PMaybe (PAsData a))) Source #

Lookup up the datum given the datum hash.

Takes as argument the datum assoc list from a PTxInfo. Validates the datum using PTryFrom.


 pparseDatum MyType # datumHash #$ pfield "datums" # txinfo