{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  GHC.MVar
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2008
-- License     :  see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :  [email protected]
-- Stability   :  internal
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- The MVar type

module GHC.MVar (
        -- * MVars
        , newMVar
        , newEmptyMVar
        , takeMVar
        , readMVar
        , putMVar
        , tryTakeMVar
        , tryPutMVar
        , tryReadMVar
        , isEmptyMVar
        , addMVarFinalizer
    ) where

import GHC.Base

data MVar a = MVar (MVar# RealWorld a)
{- ^
An 'MVar' (pronounced \"em-var\") is a synchronising variable, used
for communication between concurrent threads.  It can be thought of
as a box, which may be empty or full.

-- pull in Eq (Mvar a) too, to avoid GHC.Conc being an orphan-instance module
-- | @since
instance Eq (MVar a) where
        (MVar mvar1#) == (MVar mvar2#) = isTrue# (sameMVar# mvar1# mvar2#)

M-Vars are rendezvous points for concurrent threads.  They begin
empty, and any attempt to read an empty M-Var blocks.  When an M-Var
is written, a single blocked thread may be freed.  Reading an M-Var
toggles its state from full back to empty.  Therefore, any value
written to an M-Var may only be read once.  Multiple reads and writes
are allowed, but there must be at least one read between any two

--Defined in IOBase to avoid cycle: data MVar a = MVar (SynchVar# RealWorld a)

-- |Create an 'MVar' which is initially empty.
newEmptyMVar  :: IO (MVar a)
newEmptyMVar = IO $ \ s# ->
    case newMVar# s# of
         (# s2#, svar# #) -> (# s2#, MVar svar# #)

-- |Create an 'MVar' which contains the supplied value.
newMVar :: a -> IO (MVar a)
newMVar value =
    newEmptyMVar        >>= \ mvar ->
    putMVar mvar value  >>
    return mvar

-- |Return the contents of the 'MVar'.  If the 'MVar' is currently
-- empty, 'takeMVar' will wait until it is full.  After a 'takeMVar',
-- the 'MVar' is left empty.
-- There are two further important properties of 'takeMVar':
--   * 'takeMVar' is single-wakeup.  That is, if there are multiple
--     threads blocked in 'takeMVar', and the 'MVar' becomes full,
--     only one thread will be woken up.  The runtime guarantees that
--     the woken thread completes its 'takeMVar' operation.
--   * When multiple threads are blocked on an 'MVar', they are
--     woken up in FIFO order.  This is useful for providing
--     fairness properties of abstractions built using 'MVar's.
takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
takeMVar (MVar mvar#) = IO $ \ s# -> takeMVar# mvar# s#

-- |Atomically read the contents of an 'MVar'.  If the 'MVar' is
-- currently empty, 'readMVar' will wait until it is full.
-- 'readMVar' is guaranteed to receive the next 'putMVar'.
-- 'readMVar' is multiple-wakeup, so when multiple readers are
-- blocked on an 'MVar', all of them are woken up at the same time.
-- /Compatibility note:/ Prior to base 4.7, 'readMVar' was a combination
-- of 'takeMVar' and 'putMVar'.  This mean that in the presence of
-- other threads attempting to 'putMVar', 'readMVar' could block.
-- Furthermore, 'readMVar' would not receive the next 'putMVar' if there
-- was already a pending thread blocked on 'takeMVar'.  The old behavior
-- can be recovered by implementing 'readMVar as follows:
-- @
--  readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
--  readMVar m =
--    mask_ $ do
--      a <- takeMVar m
--      putMVar m a
--      return a
-- @
readMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
readMVar (MVar mvar#) = IO $ \ s# -> readMVar# mvar# s#

-- |Put a value into an 'MVar'.  If the 'MVar' is currently full,
-- 'putMVar' will wait until it becomes empty.
-- There are two further important properties of 'putMVar':
--   * 'putMVar' is single-wakeup.  That is, if there are multiple
--     threads blocked in 'putMVar', and the 'MVar' becomes empty,
--     only one thread will be woken up.  The runtime guarantees that
--     the woken thread completes its 'putMVar' operation.
--   * When multiple threads are blocked on an 'MVar', they are
--     woken up in FIFO order.  This is useful for providing
--     fairness properties of abstractions built using 'MVar's.
putMVar  :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
putMVar (MVar mvar#) x = IO $ \ s# ->
    case putMVar# mvar# x s# of
        s2# -> (# s2#, () #)

-- |A non-blocking version of 'takeMVar'.  The 'tryTakeMVar' function
-- returns immediately, with 'Nothing' if the 'MVar' was empty, or
-- @'Just' a@ if the 'MVar' was full with contents @a@.  After 'tryTakeMVar',
-- the 'MVar' is left empty.
tryTakeMVar :: MVar a -> IO (Maybe a)
tryTakeMVar (MVar m) = IO $ \ s ->
    case tryTakeMVar# m s of
        (# s', 0#, _ #) -> (# s', Nothing #)      -- MVar is empty
        (# s', _,  a #) -> (# s', Just a  #)      -- MVar is full

-- |A non-blocking version of 'putMVar'.  The 'tryPutMVar' function
-- attempts to put the value @a@ into the 'MVar', returning 'True' if
-- it was successful, or 'False' otherwise.
tryPutMVar  :: MVar a -> a -> IO Bool
tryPutMVar (MVar mvar#) x = IO $ \ s# ->
    case tryPutMVar# mvar# x s# of
        (# s, 0# #) -> (# s, False #)
        (# s, _  #) -> (# s, True #)

-- |A non-blocking version of 'readMVar'.  The 'tryReadMVar' function
-- returns immediately, with 'Nothing' if the 'MVar' was empty, or
-- @'Just' a@ if the 'MVar' was full with contents @a@.
-- @since
tryReadMVar :: MVar a -> IO (Maybe a)
tryReadMVar (MVar m) = IO $ \ s ->
    case tryReadMVar# m s of
        (# s', 0#, _ #) -> (# s', Nothing #)      -- MVar is empty
        (# s', _,  a #) -> (# s', Just a  #)      -- MVar is full

-- |Check whether a given 'MVar' is empty.
-- Notice that the boolean value returned  is just a snapshot of
-- the state of the MVar. By the time you get to react on its result,
-- the MVar may have been filled (or emptied) - so be extremely
-- careful when using this operation.   Use 'tryTakeMVar' instead if possible.
isEmptyMVar :: MVar a -> IO Bool
isEmptyMVar (MVar mv#) = IO $ \ s# ->
    case isEmptyMVar# mv# s# of
        (# s2#, flg #) -> (# s2#, isTrue# (flg /=# 0#) #)

-- |Add a finalizer to an 'MVar' (GHC only).  See "Foreign.ForeignPtr" and
-- "System.Mem.Weak" for more about finalizers.
addMVarFinalizer :: MVar a -> IO () -> IO ()
addMVarFinalizer (MVar m) (IO finalizer) =
    IO $ \s -> case mkWeak# m () finalizer s of { (# s1, _ #) -> (# s1, () #) }