{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  System.IO.Error
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  [email protected]
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Standard IO Errors.

module System.IO.Error (

    -- * I\/O errors




    -- ** Classifying I\/O errors

    -- ** Attributes of I\/O errors


    -- * Types of I\/O error
    IOErrorType,                -- abstract


    -- ** 'IOErrorType' predicates

    -- * Throwing and catching I\/O errors



  ) where

import Control.Exception.Base

import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe

import GHC.Base
import GHC.IO
import GHC.IO.Exception
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types
import Text.Show

-- | The construct 'tryIOError' @comp@ exposes IO errors which occur within a
-- computation, and which are not fully handled.
-- Non-I\/O exceptions are not caught by this variant; to catch all
-- exceptions, use 'Control.Exception.try' from "Control.Exception".
-- @since
tryIOError     :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOError f   =  catch (do r <- f
                            return (Right r))
                        (return . Left)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constructing an IOError

-- | Construct an 'IOError' of the given type where the second argument
-- describes the error location and the third and fourth argument
-- contain the file handle and file path of the file involved in the
-- error if applicable.
mkIOError :: IOErrorType -> String -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe FilePath -> IOError
mkIOError t location maybe_hdl maybe_filename =
               IOError{ ioe_type = t,
                        ioe_location = location,
                        ioe_description = "",
                        ioe_errno = Nothing,
                        ioe_handle = maybe_hdl,
                        ioe_filename = maybe_filename

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IOErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- one of its arguments already exists.
isAlreadyExistsError :: IOError -> Bool
isAlreadyExistsError = isAlreadyExistsErrorType    . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- one of its arguments does not exist.
isDoesNotExistError :: IOError -> Bool
isDoesNotExistError  = isDoesNotExistErrorType     . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- one of its arguments is a single-use resource, which is already
-- being used (for example, opening the same file twice for writing
-- might give this error).
isAlreadyInUseError :: IOError -> Bool
isAlreadyInUseError  = isAlreadyInUseErrorType     . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- the device is full.
isFullError         :: IOError -> Bool
isFullError          = isFullErrorType             . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- the end of file has been reached.
isEOFError          :: IOError -> Bool
isEOFError           = isEOFErrorType              . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- the operation was not possible.
-- Any computation which returns an 'IO' result may fail with
-- 'isIllegalOperation'.  In some cases, an implementation will not be
-- able to distinguish between the possible error causes.  In this case
-- it should fail with 'isIllegalOperation'.
isIllegalOperation  :: IOError -> Bool
isIllegalOperation   = isIllegalOperationErrorType . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that an 'IO' operation failed because
-- the user does not have sufficient operating system privilege
-- to perform that operation.
isPermissionError   :: IOError -> Bool
isPermissionError    = isPermissionErrorType       . ioeGetErrorType

-- | A programmer-defined error value constructed using 'userError'.
isUserError         :: IOError -> Bool
isUserError          = isUserErrorType             . ioeGetErrorType

-- | An error indicating that the operation failed because the
-- resource vanished. See 'resourceVanishedErrorType'.
-- @since
isResourceVanishedError :: IOError -> Bool
isResourceVanishedError = isResourceVanishedErrorType . ioeGetErrorType

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IOErrorTypes

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- already exists.
alreadyExistsErrorType   :: IOErrorType
alreadyExistsErrorType    = AlreadyExists

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- does not exist.
doesNotExistErrorType    :: IOErrorType
doesNotExistErrorType     = NoSuchThing

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- is a single-use resource, which is already being used.
alreadyInUseErrorType    :: IOErrorType
alreadyInUseErrorType     = ResourceBusy

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the device is full.
fullErrorType            :: IOErrorType
fullErrorType             = ResourceExhausted

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the end of file has
-- been reached.
eofErrorType             :: IOErrorType
eofErrorType              = EOF

-- | I\/O error where the operation is not possible.
illegalOperationErrorType :: IOErrorType
illegalOperationErrorType = IllegalOperation

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the user does not
-- have sufficient operating system privilege to perform that operation.
permissionErrorType      :: IOErrorType
permissionErrorType       = PermissionDenied

-- | I\/O error that is programmer-defined.
userErrorType            :: IOErrorType
userErrorType             = UserError

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the resource vanished.
-- This happens when, for example, attempting to write to a closed
-- socket or attempting to write to a named pipe that was deleted.
-- @since
resourceVanishedErrorType :: IOErrorType
resourceVanishedErrorType = ResourceVanished

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IOErrorType predicates

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- already exists.
isAlreadyExistsErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isAlreadyExistsErrorType AlreadyExists = True
isAlreadyExistsErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- does not exist.
isDoesNotExistErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isDoesNotExistErrorType NoSuchThing = True
isDoesNotExistErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because one of its arguments
-- is a single-use resource, which is already being used.
isAlreadyInUseErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isAlreadyInUseErrorType ResourceBusy = True
isAlreadyInUseErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the device is full.
isFullErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isFullErrorType ResourceExhausted = True
isFullErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the end of file has
-- been reached.
isEOFErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isEOFErrorType EOF = True
isEOFErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation is not possible.
isIllegalOperationErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isIllegalOperationErrorType IllegalOperation = True
isIllegalOperationErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the user does not
-- have sufficient operating system privilege to perform that operation.
isPermissionErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isPermissionErrorType PermissionDenied = True
isPermissionErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error that is programmer-defined.
isUserErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isUserErrorType UserError = True
isUserErrorType _ = False

-- | I\/O error where the operation failed because the resource vanished.
-- See 'resourceVanishedErrorType'.
-- @since
isResourceVanishedErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
isResourceVanishedErrorType ResourceVanished = True
isResourceVanishedErrorType _ = False

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Miscellaneous

ioeGetErrorType       :: IOError -> IOErrorType
ioeGetErrorString     :: IOError -> String
ioeGetLocation        :: IOError -> String
ioeGetHandle          :: IOError -> Maybe Handle
ioeGetFileName        :: IOError -> Maybe FilePath

ioeGetErrorType ioe = ioe_type ioe

ioeGetErrorString ioe
   | isUserErrorType (ioe_type ioe) = ioe_description ioe
   | otherwise                      = show (ioe_type ioe)

ioeGetLocation ioe = ioe_location ioe

ioeGetHandle ioe = ioe_handle ioe

ioeGetFileName ioe = ioe_filename ioe

ioeSetErrorType   :: IOError -> IOErrorType -> IOError
ioeSetErrorString :: IOError -> String      -> IOError
ioeSetLocation    :: IOError -> String      -> IOError
ioeSetHandle      :: IOError -> Handle      -> IOError
ioeSetFileName    :: IOError -> FilePath    -> IOError

ioeSetErrorType   ioe errtype  = ioe{ ioe_type = errtype }
ioeSetErrorString ioe str      = ioe{ ioe_description = str }
ioeSetLocation    ioe str      = ioe{ ioe_location = str }
ioeSetHandle      ioe hdl      = ioe{ ioe_handle = Just hdl }
ioeSetFileName    ioe filename = ioe{ ioe_filename = Just filename }

-- | Catch any 'IOError' that occurs in the computation and throw a
-- modified version.
modifyIOError :: (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
modifyIOError f io = catch io (\e -> ioError (f e))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- annotating an IOError

-- | Adds a location description and maybe a file path and file handle
-- to an 'IOError'.  If any of the file handle or file path is not given
-- the corresponding value in the 'IOError' remains unaltered.
annotateIOError :: IOError
              -> String
              -> Maybe Handle
              -> Maybe FilePath
              -> IOError
annotateIOError ioe loc hdl path =
  ioe{ ioe_handle = hdl `mplus` ioe_handle ioe,
       ioe_location = loc, ioe_filename = path `mplus` ioe_filename ioe }

-- | The 'catchIOError' function establishes a handler that receives any
-- 'IOError' raised in the action protected by 'catchIOError'.
-- An 'IOError' is caught by
-- the most recent handler established by one of the exception handling
-- functions.  These handlers are
-- not selective: all 'IOError's are caught.  Exception propagation
-- must be explicitly provided in a handler by re-raising any unwanted
-- exceptions.  For example, in
-- > f = catchIOError g (\e -> if IO.isEOFError e then return [] else ioError e)
-- the function @f@ returns @[]@ when an end-of-file exception
-- (cf. 'System.IO.Error.isEOFError') occurs in @g@; otherwise, the
-- exception is propagated to the next outer handler.
-- When an exception propagates outside the main program, the Haskell
-- system prints the associated 'IOError' value and exits the program.
-- Non-I\/O exceptions are not caught by this variant; to catch all
-- exceptions, use 'Control.Exception.catch' from "Control.Exception".
-- @since
catchIOError :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
catchIOError = catch