{-# LINE 1 "libraries/base/System/Environment/Blank.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  System.Environment.Blank
-- Copyright   :  (c) Habib Alamin 2017
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  [email protected]
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- A setEnv implementation that allows blank environment variables. Mimics
-- the `System.Posix.Env` module from the @unix@ package, but with support
-- for Windows too.
-- The matrix of platforms that:
--   * support @putenv("FOO")@ to unset environment variables,
--   * support @putenv("FOO=")@ to unset environment variables or set them
--     to blank values,
--   * support @unsetenv@ to unset environment variables,
--   * support @setenv@ to set environment variables,
--   * etc.
-- is very complicated. Some platforms don't support unsetting of environment
-- variables at all.

module System.Environment.Blank
      module System.Environment,
  ) where

import Foreign.C

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import System.Posix.Internals

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import GHC.IO.Exception
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception.Base
import Data.Maybe

import System.Environment

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import qualified System.Environment as Environment

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-- TODO: include windows_cconv.h when it's merged, instead of duplicating
-- this C macro block.

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throwInvalidArgument :: String -> IO a
throwInvalidArgument from =
  throwIO (mkIOError InvalidArgument from Nothing Nothing)

-- | Similar to 'System.Environment.lookupEnv'.
getEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)

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getEnv = Environment.lookupEnv

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-- | Get an environment value or a default value.
getEnvDefault ::
  String    {- ^ variable name                    -} ->
  String    {- ^ fallback value                   -} ->
  IO String {- ^ variable value or fallback value -}
getEnvDefault name fallback = fromMaybe fallback <$> getEnv name

-- | Like 'System.Environment.setEnv', but allows blank environment values
-- and mimics the function signature of 'System.Posix.Env.setEnv' from the
-- @unix@ package.
setEnv ::
  String {- ^ variable name  -} ->
  String {- ^ variable value -} ->
  Bool   {- ^ overwrite      -} ->
  IO ()
setEnv key_ value_ overwrite
  | null key       = throwInvalidArgument "setEnv"
  | '=' `elem` key = throwInvalidArgument "setEnv"
  | otherwise      =
    if overwrite
    then setEnv_ key value
    else do
      env_var <- getEnv key
      case env_var of
          Just _  -> return ()
          Nothing -> setEnv_ key value
    key   = takeWhile (/= '\NUL') key_
    value = takeWhile (/= '\NUL') value_

setEnv_ :: String -> String -> IO ()

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setEnv_ key value =
  withFilePath key $ \ keyP ->
    withFilePath value $ \ valueP ->
      throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setenv" $
        c_setenv keyP valueP (fromIntegral (fromEnum True))

foreign import ccall unsafe "setenv"
   c_setenv :: CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt

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-- | Like 'System.Environment.unsetEnv', but allows for the removal of
-- blank environment variables. May throw an exception if the underlying
-- platform doesn't support unsetting of environment variables.
unsetEnv :: String -> IO ()

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unsetEnv name = withFilePath name $ \ s ->
  throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "unsetenv" (c_unsetenv s)

-- POSIX.1-2001 compliant unsetenv(3)
foreign import capi unsafe "HsBase.h unsetenv"
   c_unsetenv :: CString -> IO CInt

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