module GHC.Unit.Database
( GenericUnitInfo(..)
, type DbUnitInfo
, DbModule (..)
, DbInstUnitId (..)
, mapGenericUnitInfo
, DbMode(..)
, DbOpenMode(..)
, isDbOpenReadMode
, readPackageDbForGhc
, readPackageDbForGhcPkg
, writePackageDb
, PackageDbLock
, lockPackageDb
, unlockPackageDb
, mkMungePathUrl
, mungeUnitInfoPaths
import Prelude
import Data.Version (Version(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BS.Lazy (defaultChunkSize)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as F
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Binary as Bin
import Data.Binary.Put as Bin
import Data.Binary.Get as Bin
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.FilePath as FilePath
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix.Files
import GHC.IO.Exception (ioe_type, IOErrorType(NoSuchThing))
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
import qualified GHC.Data.ShortText as ST
import GHC.IO.Handle.Lock
import System.Directory
type DbUnitInfo = GenericUnitInfo BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString BS.ByteString DbModule
data GenericUnitInfo compid srcpkgid srcpkgname uid modulename mod = GenericUnitInfo
{ unitId :: uid
, unitInstanceOf :: compid
, unitInstantiations :: [(modulename, mod)]
, unitPackageId :: srcpkgid
, unitPackageName :: srcpkgname
, unitPackageVersion :: Version
, unitComponentName :: Maybe srcpkgname
, unitAbiHash :: ST.ShortText
, unitDepends :: [uid]
, unitAbiDepends :: [(uid, ST.ShortText)]
, unitImportDirs :: [FilePathST]
, unitLibraries :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitExtDepLibsSys :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitExtDepLibsGhc :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitLibraryDirs :: [FilePathST]
, unitLibraryDynDirs :: [FilePathST]
, unitExtDepFrameworks :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitExtDepFrameworkDirs :: [FilePathST]
, unitLinkerOptions :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitCcOptions :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitIncludes :: [ST.ShortText]
, unitIncludeDirs :: [FilePathST]
, unitHaddockInterfaces :: [FilePathST]
, unitHaddockHTMLs :: [FilePathST]
, unitExposedModules :: [(modulename, Maybe mod)]
, unitHiddenModules :: [modulename]
, unitIsIndefinite :: Bool
, unitIsExposed :: Bool
, unitIsTrusted :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
type FilePathST = ST.ShortText
:: (uid1 -> uid2)
-> (cid1 -> cid2)
-> (srcpkg1 -> srcpkg2)
-> (srcpkgname1 -> srcpkgname2)
-> (modname1 -> modname2)
-> (mod1 -> mod2)
-> (GenericUnitInfo cid1 srcpkg1 srcpkgname1 uid1 modname1 mod1
-> GenericUnitInfo cid2 srcpkg2 srcpkgname2 uid2 modname2 mod2)
mapGenericUnitInfo fuid fcid fsrcpkg fsrcpkgname fmodname fmod g@(GenericUnitInfo {..}) =
g { unitId = fuid unitId
, unitInstanceOf = fcid unitInstanceOf
, unitInstantiations = fmap (bimap fmodname fmod) unitInstantiations
, unitPackageId = fsrcpkg unitPackageId
, unitPackageName = fsrcpkgname unitPackageName
, unitComponentName = fmap fsrcpkgname unitComponentName
, unitDepends = fmap fuid unitDepends
, unitAbiDepends = fmap (first fuid) unitAbiDepends
, unitExposedModules = fmap (bimap fmodname (fmap fmod)) unitExposedModules
, unitHiddenModules = fmap fmodname unitHiddenModules
data DbModule
= DbModule
{ dbModuleUnitId :: DbInstUnitId
, dbModuleName :: BS.ByteString
| DbModuleVar
{ dbModuleVarName :: BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DbInstUnitId
= DbInstUnitId
[(BS.ByteString, DbModule)]
| DbUnitId
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype PackageDbLock = PackageDbLock Handle
lockPackageDb :: FilePath -> IO PackageDbLock
unlockPackageDb :: PackageDbLock -> IO ()
lockPackageDbWith :: LockMode -> FilePath -> IO PackageDbLock
lockPackageDbWith mode file = do
(\e -> if isPermissionError e then Just () else Nothing)
(lockFileOpenIn ReadWriteMode)
(const $ lockFileOpenIn ReadMode)
lock = file <.> "lock"
lockFileOpenIn io_mode = bracketOnError
(openBinaryFile lock io_mode)
$ \hnd -> do hLock hnd mode `catch` \FileLockingNotSupported -> return ()
return $ PackageDbLock hnd
lockPackageDb = lockPackageDbWith ExclusiveLock
unlockPackageDb (PackageDbLock hnd) = do
hUnlock hnd
hClose hnd
data DbMode = DbReadOnly | DbReadWrite
data DbOpenMode (mode :: DbMode) t where
DbOpenReadOnly :: DbOpenMode 'DbReadOnly t
DbOpenReadWrite :: t -> DbOpenMode 'DbReadWrite t
deriving instance Functor (DbOpenMode mode)
deriving instance F.Foldable (DbOpenMode mode)
deriving instance F.Traversable (DbOpenMode mode)
isDbOpenReadMode :: DbOpenMode mode t -> Bool
isDbOpenReadMode = \case
DbOpenReadOnly -> True
DbOpenReadWrite{} -> False
readPackageDbForGhc :: FilePath -> IO [DbUnitInfo]
readPackageDbForGhc file =
decodeFromFile file DbOpenReadOnly getDbForGhc >>= \case
(pkgs, DbOpenReadOnly) -> return pkgs
getDbForGhc = do
_version <- getHeader
_ghcPartLen <- get :: Get Word32
ghcPart <- get
return ghcPart
readPackageDbForGhcPkg :: Binary pkgs => FilePath -> DbOpenMode mode t ->
IO (pkgs, DbOpenMode mode PackageDbLock)
readPackageDbForGhcPkg file mode =
decodeFromFile file mode getDbForGhcPkg
getDbForGhcPkg = do
_version <- getHeader
ghcPartLen <- get :: Get Word32
_ghcPart <- skip (fromIntegral ghcPartLen)
ghcPkgPart <- get
return ghcPkgPart
writePackageDb :: Binary pkgs => FilePath -> [DbUnitInfo] -> pkgs -> IO ()
writePackageDb file ghcPkgs ghcPkgPart =
writeFileAtomic file (runPut putDbForGhcPkg)
putDbForGhcPkg = do
put ghcPartLen
putLazyByteString ghcPart
put ghcPkgPart
ghcPartLen :: Word32
ghcPartLen = fromIntegral (BS.Lazy.length ghcPart)
ghcPart = encode ghcPkgs
getHeader :: Get (Word32, Word32)
getHeader = do
magic <- getByteString (BS.length headerMagic)
when (magic /= headerMagic) $
fail "not a ghc-pkg db file, wrong file magic number"
majorVersion <- get :: Get Word32
minorVersion <- get :: Get Word32
when (majorVersion /= 1) $
fail "unsupported ghc-pkg db format version"
headerExtraLen <- get :: Get Word32
skip (fromIntegral headerExtraLen)
return (majorVersion, minorVersion)
putHeader :: Put
putHeader = do
putByteString headerMagic
put majorVersion
put minorVersion
put headerExtraLen
majorVersion = 1 :: Word32
minorVersion = 0 :: Word32
headerExtraLen = 0 :: Word32
headerMagic :: BS.ByteString
headerMagic = BS.Char8.pack "\0ghcpkg\0"
decodeFromFile :: FilePath -> DbOpenMode mode t -> Get pkgs ->
IO (pkgs, DbOpenMode mode PackageDbLock)
decodeFromFile file mode decoder = case mode of
DbOpenReadOnly -> do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
bracket (lockPackageDbWith SharedLock file) unlockPackageDb $ \_ -> do
(, DbOpenReadOnly) <$> decodeFileContents
DbOpenReadWrite{} -> do
bracketOnError (lockPackageDb file) unlockPackageDb $ \lock -> do
(, DbOpenReadWrite lock) <$> decodeFileContents
decodeFileContents = withBinaryFile file ReadMode $ \hnd ->
feed hnd (runGetIncremental decoder)
feed hnd (Partial k) = do chunk <- BS.hGet hnd BS.Lazy.defaultChunkSize
if BS.null chunk
then feed hnd (k Nothing)
else feed hnd (k (Just chunk))
feed _ (Done _ _ res) = return res
feed _ (Fail _ _ msg) = ioError err
err = mkIOError InappropriateType loc Nothing (Just file)
`ioeSetErrorString` msg
loc = "GHC.Unit.Database.readPackageDb"
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> BS.Lazy.ByteString -> IO ()
writeFileAtomic targetPath content = do
let no_update _path = return ()
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
let on_error ioe =
case ioe_type ioe of
NoSuchThing -> return no_update
_ -> ioError ioe
let handleIO :: (IOException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleIO = flip catch
set_metadata <- handleIO on_error $ do
status <- getFileStatus targetPath
return $ \path -> do
setFileMode path (fileMode status)
setOwnerAndGroup path (fileOwner status) (fileGroup status)
let set_metadata = no_update
let (targetDir, targetFile) = splitFileName targetPath
(openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions targetDir $ targetFile <.> "tmp")
(\(tmpPath, handle) -> hClose handle >> removeFile tmpPath)
(\(tmpPath, handle) -> do
BS.Lazy.hPut handle content
hClose handle
set_metadata tmpPath
renameFile tmpPath targetPath)
instance Binary DbUnitInfo where
put (GenericUnitInfo
unitId unitInstanceOf unitInstantiations
unitPackageName unitPackageVersion
unitAbiHash unitDepends unitAbiDepends unitImportDirs
unitLibraries unitExtDepLibsSys unitExtDepLibsGhc
unitLibraryDirs unitLibraryDynDirs
unitExtDepFrameworks unitExtDepFrameworkDirs
unitLinkerOptions unitCcOptions
unitIncludes unitIncludeDirs
unitHaddockInterfaces unitHaddockHTMLs
unitExposedModules unitHiddenModules
unitIsIndefinite unitIsExposed unitIsTrusted) = do
put unitPackageId
put unitPackageName
put unitPackageVersion
put unitComponentName
put unitId
put unitInstanceOf
put unitInstantiations
put unitAbiHash
put unitDepends
put unitAbiDepends
put unitImportDirs
put unitLibraries
put unitExtDepLibsSys
put unitExtDepLibsGhc
put unitLibraryDirs
put unitLibraryDynDirs
put unitExtDepFrameworks
put unitExtDepFrameworkDirs
put unitLinkerOptions
put unitCcOptions
put unitIncludes
put unitIncludeDirs
put unitHaddockInterfaces
put unitHaddockHTMLs
put unitExposedModules
put unitHiddenModules
put unitIsIndefinite
put unitIsExposed
put unitIsTrusted
get = do
unitPackageId <- get
unitPackageName <- get
unitPackageVersion <- get
unitComponentName <- get
unitId <- get
unitInstanceOf <- get
unitInstantiations <- get
unitAbiHash <- get
unitDepends <- get
unitAbiDepends <- get
unitImportDirs <- get
unitLibraries <- get
unitExtDepLibsSys <- get
unitExtDepLibsGhc <- get
libraryDirs <- get
libraryDynDirs <- get
frameworks <- get
frameworkDirs <- get
unitLinkerOptions <- get
unitCcOptions <- get
unitIncludes <- get
unitIncludeDirs <- get
unitHaddockInterfaces <- get
unitHaddockHTMLs <- get
unitExposedModules <- get
unitHiddenModules <- get
unitIsIndefinite <- get
unitIsExposed <- get
unitIsTrusted <- get
return (GenericUnitInfo
unitLibraries unitExtDepLibsSys unitExtDepLibsGhc
libraryDirs libraryDynDirs
frameworks frameworkDirs
unitLinkerOptions unitCcOptions
unitIncludes unitIncludeDirs
unitHaddockInterfaces unitHaddockHTMLs
unitIsIndefinite unitIsExposed unitIsTrusted)
instance Binary DbModule where
put (DbModule dbModuleUnitId dbModuleName) = do
putWord8 0
put dbModuleUnitId
put dbModuleName
put (DbModuleVar dbModuleVarName) = do
putWord8 1
put dbModuleVarName
get = do
b <- getWord8
case b of
0 -> DbModule <$> get <*> get
_ -> DbModuleVar <$> get
instance Binary DbInstUnitId where
put (DbUnitId uid) = do
putWord8 0
put uid
put (DbInstUnitId dbUnitIdComponentId dbUnitIdInsts) = do
putWord8 1
put dbUnitIdComponentId
put dbUnitIdInsts
get = do
b <- getWord8
case b of
0 -> DbUnitId <$> get
_ -> DbInstUnitId <$> get <*> get
mkMungePathUrl :: FilePathST -> FilePathST -> (FilePathST -> FilePathST, FilePathST -> FilePathST)
mkMungePathUrl top_dir pkgroot = (munge_path, munge_url)
munge_path p
| Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p = mappend pkgroot p'
| Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$topdir" p = mappend top_dir p'
| otherwise = p
munge_url p
| Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p = toUrlPath pkgroot p'
| Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$httptopdir" p = toUrlPath top_dir p'
| otherwise = p
toUrlPath r p = mconcat $ "/file//" : (intersperse "/" (r : (splitDirectories p)))
splitDirectories :: FilePathST -> [FilePathST]
splitDirectories p = filter (not . ST.null) $ ST.splitFilePath p
stripVarPrefix var path = case ST.stripPrefix var path of
Just "" -> Just ""
Just cs | isPathSeparator (ST.head cs) -> Just cs
_ -> Nothing
mungeUnitInfoPaths :: FilePathST -> FilePathST -> GenericUnitInfo a b c d e f -> GenericUnitInfo a b c d e f
mungeUnitInfoPaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
{ unitImportDirs = munge_paths (unitImportDirs pkg)
, unitIncludeDirs = munge_paths (unitIncludeDirs pkg)
, unitLibraryDirs = munge_paths (unitLibraryDirs pkg)
, unitLibraryDynDirs = munge_paths (unitLibraryDynDirs pkg)
, unitExtDepFrameworkDirs = munge_paths (unitExtDepFrameworkDirs pkg)
, unitHaddockInterfaces = munge_paths (unitHaddockInterfaces pkg)
, unitHaddockHTMLs = munge_paths (munge_urls (unitHaddockHTMLs pkg))
munge_paths = map munge_path
munge_urls = map munge_url
(munge_path,munge_url) = mkMungePathUrl top_dir pkgroot