{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Module : Data.HashSet Copyright : 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan License : BSD-style Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : portable = Introduction 'HashSet' allows you to store /unique/ elements, providing efficient insertion, lookups, and deletion. A 'HashSet' makes no guarantees as to the order of its elements. If you are storing sets of "Data.Int"s consider using "Data.IntSet" from the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers containers> package. == Examples All the examples below assume @HashSet@ is imported qualified, and uses the following @dataStructures@ set. >>> import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet >>> let dataStructures = HashSet.fromList ["Set", "Map", "Graph", "Sequence"] === Basic Operations Check membership in a set: >>> -- Check if "Map" and "Trie" are in the set of data structures. >>> HashSet.member "Map" dataStructures True >>> HashSet.member "Trie" dataStructures False Add a new entry to the set: >>> let moreDataStructures = HashSet.insert "Trie" dataStructures >>> HashSet.member "Trie" moreDataStructures > True Remove the @\"Graph\"@ entry from the set of data structures. >>> let fewerDataStructures = HashSet.delete "Graph" dataStructures >>> HashSet.toList fewerDataStructures ["Map","Set","Sequence"] Create a new set and combine it with our original set. >>> let unorderedDataStructures = HashSet.fromList ["HashSet", "HashMap"] >>> HashSet.union dataStructures unorderedDataStructures fromList ["Map","HashSet","Graph","HashMap","Set","Sequence"] === Using custom data with HashSet To create a @HashSet@ of your custom type, the type must have instances for 'Data.Eq.Eq' and 'Data.Hashable.Hashable'. The @Hashable@ typeclass is defined in the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hashable hashable> package, see the documentation for information on how to make your type an instance of @Hashable@. We'll start by setting up our custom data type: >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric >>> import GHC.Generics (Generic) >>> import Data.Hashable >>> data Person = Person { name :: String, likesDogs :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) >>> instance Hashable Person And now we'll use it! >>> let people = HashSet.fromList [Person "Lana" True, Person "Joe" False, Person "Simon" True] >>> HashSet.filter likesDogs people fromList [Person {name = "Simon", likesDogs = True},Person {name = "Lana", likesDogs = True}] == Performance The implementation is based on /hash array mapped tries/. A 'HashSet' is often faster than other 'Data.Ord.Ord'-based set types, especially when value comparisons are expensive, as in the case of strings. Many operations have a average-case complexity of \(O(\log n)\). The implementation uses a large base (i.e. 16) so in practice these operations are constant time. -} module Data.HashSet ( HashSet -- * Construction , empty , singleton -- * Combine , union , unions -- * Basic interface , null , size , member , insert , delete , isSubsetOf -- * Transformations , map -- * Difference and intersection , difference , intersection -- * Folds , foldl' , foldr -- * Filter , filter -- * Conversions -- ** Lists , toList , fromList -- * HashMaps , toMap , fromMap ) where import Data.HashSet.Internal import Prelude ()