{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- CPP: GHC >= 7.8 for Safe Haskell #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CPP: Ignore unused imports when Haddock is run #if defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__) {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Module: Data.DList.DNonEmpty Copyright: © 2017-2020 Oleg Grenrus, 2020 Sean Leather License: BSD-3-Clause Maintainer: [email protected] Stability: stable A __non-empty difference list__ is a difference list paired with a 'head' element. Like the difference list, it supports \(\mathcal{O}\)(@1@) 'append' and 'snoc' operations. This module provides the type for a non-empty difference list, 'DNonEmpty', and a collection of supporting functions for (a) converting to and from 'NonEmpty' and 'DList' and (b) operating efficiently on 'DNonEmpty' values. The functions also retain the non-strict semantics of 'NonEmpty'. -} {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} module Data.DList.DNonEmpty ( -- * Non-Empty Difference List Type DNonEmpty((:|)), -- * Conversion fromNonEmpty, toNonEmpty, toList, fromList, -- * Basic Functions singleton, cons, snoc, append, head, tail, unfoldr, map, ) where ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal -- CPP: Import only for Haddock #if defined(__HADDOCK_VERSION__) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.DList (DList) #endif {- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {- The 'Data.DList.DNonEmpty' module exists only to export names from 'Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal'. Some names conflict with 'Prelude', so we hide all imports from 'Prelude'. -} {- ORMOLU_ENABLE -} import Prelude ()