-- editorconfig-checker-disable-file
-- | The interface to Plutus V2 for the ledger.
module PlutusLedgerApi.V2 (
    -- * Scripts
    , serialiseCompiledCode
    , serialiseUPLC
    , deserialiseUPLC
    -- * Validating scripts
    , assertScriptWellFormed
    -- * Running scripts
    , evaluateScriptRestricting
    , evaluateScriptCounting
    -- ** Protocol version
    , ProtocolVersion (..)
    -- ** Verbose mode and log output
    , VerboseMode (..)
    , LogOutput
    -- * Costing-related types
    , ExBudget (..)
    , ExCPU (..)
    , ExMemory (..)
    , SatInt
    -- ** Cost model
    , EvaluationContext
    , mkEvaluationContext
    , ParamName (..)
    , CostModelApplyError (..)
    , CostModelParams
    , assertWellFormedCostModelParams
    -- * Context types
    , ScriptContext(..)
    , ScriptPurpose(..)
    -- ** Supporting types used in the context types
    -- *** ByteStrings
    , BuiltinByteString
    , toBuiltin
    , fromBuiltin
    -- *** Bytes
    , LedgerBytes (..)
    , fromBytes
    -- *** Certificates
    , DCert(..)
    -- *** Credentials
    , StakingCredential(..)
    , Credential(..)
    -- *** Value
    , Value (..)
    , CurrencySymbol (..)
    , TokenName (..)
    , singleton
    , unionWith
    , adaSymbol
    , adaToken
    -- *** Time
    , POSIXTime (..)
    , POSIXTimeRange
    -- *** Types for representing transactions
    , Address (..)
    , PubKeyHash (..)
    , TxId (..)
    , TxInfo (..)
    , TxOut(..)
    , TxOutRef(..)
    , TxInInfo(..)
    , OutputDatum (..)
    -- *** Intervals
    , Interval (..)
    , Extended (..)
    , Closure
    , UpperBound (..)
    , LowerBound (..)
    , always
    , from
    , to
    , lowerBound
    , upperBound
    , strictLowerBound
    , strictUpperBound
    -- *** Association maps
    , Map
    , fromList
    -- *** Newtypes and hash types
    , ScriptHash (..)
    , Redeemer (..)
    , RedeemerHash (..)
    , Datum (..)
    , DatumHash (..)
    -- * Data
    , Data (..)
    , BuiltinData (..)
    , ToData (..)
    , FromData (..)
    , UnsafeFromData (..)
    , toData
    , fromData
    , dataToBuiltinData
    , builtinDataToData
    -- * Errors
    , EvaluationError (..)
    , ScriptDecodeError (..)
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError)

import PlutusLedgerApi.Common as Common hiding (assertScriptWellFormed, evaluateScriptCounting,
import PlutusLedgerApi.Common qualified as Common (assertScriptWellFormed, evaluateScriptCounting,
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 hiding (ParamName, ScriptContext (..), TxInInfo (..), TxInfo (..), TxOut (..),
                           assertScriptWellFormed, evaluateScriptCounting, evaluateScriptRestricting,
import PlutusLedgerApi.V2.Contexts
import PlutusLedgerApi.V2.EvaluationContext
import PlutusLedgerApi.V2.ParamName
import PlutusLedgerApi.V2.Tx (OutputDatum (..))

import PlutusCore.Data qualified as PLC
import PlutusTx.AssocMap (Map, fromList)

-- | An alias to the language version this module exposes at runtime.
--  MAYBE: Use CPP '__FILE__' + some TH to automate this.
thisPlutusVersion :: LedgerPlutusVersion
thisPlutusVersion :: LedgerPlutusVersion
thisPlutusVersion = LedgerPlutusVersion

-- | Check if a 'Script' is "valid" according to a protocol version. At the moment this means "deserialises correctly", which in particular
-- implies that it is (almost certainly) an encoded script and the script does not mention any builtins unavailable in the given protocol version.
assertScriptWellFormed :: MonadError ScriptDecodeError  m
                       => ProtocolVersion
                       -> SerialisedScript
                       -> m ()
assertScriptWellFormed :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadError ScriptDecodeError m =>
ProtocolVersion -> SerialisedScript -> m ()
assertScriptWellFormed = forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadError ScriptDecodeError m =>
LedgerPlutusVersion -> ProtocolVersion -> SerialisedScript -> m ()
Common.assertScriptWellFormed LedgerPlutusVersion

-- | Evaluates a script, returning the minimum budget that the script would need
-- to evaluate successfully. This will take as long as the script takes, if you need to
-- limit the execution time of the script also, you can use 'evaluateScriptRestricting', which
-- also returns the used budget.
    :: ProtocolVersion
    -> VerboseMode     -- ^ Whether to produce log output
    -> EvaluationContext -- ^ The cost model that should already be synced to the most recent cost-model-params coming from the current protocol
    -> SerialisedScript          -- ^ The script to evaluate
    -> [PLC.Data]          -- ^ The arguments to the script
    -> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
evaluateScriptCounting :: ProtocolVersion
-> VerboseMode
-> EvaluationContext
-> SerialisedScript
-> [Data]
-> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
evaluateScriptCounting = LedgerPlutusVersion
-> ProtocolVersion
-> VerboseMode
-> EvaluationContext
-> SerialisedScript
-> [Data]
-> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
Common.evaluateScriptCounting LedgerPlutusVersion

-- | Evaluates a script, with a cost model and a budget that restricts how many
-- resources it can use according to the cost model. Also returns the budget that
-- was actually used.
-- Can be used to calculate budgets for scripts, but even in this case you must give
-- a limit to guard against scripts that run for a long time or loop.
    :: ProtocolVersion
    -> VerboseMode     -- ^ Whether to produce log output
    -> EvaluationContext -- ^ The cost model that should already be synced to the most recent cost-model-params coming from the current protocol
    -> ExBudget        -- ^ The resource budget which must not be exceeded during evaluation
    -> SerialisedScript          -- ^ The script to evaluate
    -> [PLC.Data]          -- ^ The arguments to the script
    -> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
evaluateScriptRestricting :: ProtocolVersion
-> VerboseMode
-> EvaluationContext
-> ExBudget
-> SerialisedScript
-> [Data]
-> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
evaluateScriptRestricting = LedgerPlutusVersion
-> ProtocolVersion
-> VerboseMode
-> EvaluationContext
-> ExBudget
-> SerialisedScript
-> [Data]
-> (LogOutput, Either EvaluationError ExBudget)
Common.evaluateScriptRestricting LedgerPlutusVersion