adjunctions-4.4.2: Adjunctions and representable functors
Copyright(c) Edward Kmett & Sjoerd Visscher 2011
Maintainer[email protected]
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This is a generalized Store Comonad, parameterized by a Representable Functor. The representation of that Functor serves as the index of the store.

This can be useful if the representable functor serves to memoize its contents and will be inspected often.



type Store g = StoreT g Identity Source #

A memoized store comonad parameterized by a representable functor g, where the representatation of g, Rep g is the index of the store.

store Source #


:: Representable g 
=> (Rep g -> a)


-> Rep g


-> Store g a 

Construct a store comonad computation from a function and a current index. (The inverse of runStore.)

runStore Source #


:: Representable g 
=> Store g a

a store to access

-> (Rep g -> a, Rep g)

initial state

Unwrap a store comonad computation as a function and a current index. (The inverse of store.)

data StoreT g w a Source #

A store transformer comonad parameterized by:

  • g - A representable functor used to memoize results for an index Rep g
  • w - The inner comonad.


StoreT (w (g a)) (Rep g) 


Instances details
(ComonadEnv m w, Representable g) => ComonadEnv m (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


ask :: StoreT g w a -> m Source #

(Comonad w, Representable g, Rep g ~ s) => ComonadStore s (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


pos :: StoreT g w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> StoreT g w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT g w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> StoreT g w a -> f a Source #

(ComonadTraced m w, Representable g) => ComonadTraced m (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


trace :: m -> StoreT g w a -> a Source #

(Representable g, ComonadCofree f w) => ComonadCofree f (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


unwrap :: StoreT g w a -> f (StoreT g w a) Source #

ComonadHoist (StoreT g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


cohoist :: (Comonad w, Comonad v) => (forall x. w x -> v x) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g v a Source #

Representable g => ComonadTrans (StoreT g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


lower :: Comonad w => StoreT g w a -> w a Source #

(Applicative w, Monoid (Rep g), Representable g) => Applicative (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


pure :: a -> StoreT g w a Source #

(<*>) :: StoreT g w (a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w c Source #

(*>) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w b Source #

(<*) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w a Source #

(Functor w, Functor g) => Functor (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


fmap :: (a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

(<$) :: a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w a Source #

(Comonad w, Representable g) => Comonad (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


extract :: StoreT g w a -> a Source #

duplicate :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w (StoreT g w a) Source #

extend :: (StoreT g w a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

(ComonadApply w, Semigroup (Rep g), Representable g) => ComonadApply (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


(<@>) :: StoreT g w (a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

(@>) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w b Source #

(<@) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w a Source #

(Apply w, Semigroup (Rep g), Representable g) => Apply (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


(<.>) :: StoreT g w (a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

(.>) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w b Source #

(<.) :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w a Source #

liftF2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b -> StoreT g w c Source #

(Extend w, Representable g) => Extend (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


duplicated :: StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w (StoreT g w a) Source #

extended :: (StoreT g w a -> b) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w b Source #

storeT :: (Functor w, Representable g) => w (Rep g -> a) -> Rep g -> StoreT g w a Source #

runStoreT :: (Functor w, Representable g) => StoreT g w a -> (w (Rep g -> a), Rep g) Source #

class Comonad w => ComonadStore s (w :: Type -> Type) | w -> s where Source #

Minimal complete definition

pos, peek


pos :: w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> w a -> w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> w a -> w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> w a -> f a Source #


Instances details
ComonadStore s w => ComonadStore s (Cofree w) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Cofree


pos :: Cofree w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> Cofree w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> Cofree w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> Cofree w a -> Cofree w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> Cofree w a -> Cofree w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> Cofree w a -> f a Source #

(Comonad w, Representable g, Rep g ~ s) => ComonadStore s (StoreT g w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Representable.Store


pos :: StoreT g w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> StoreT g w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT g w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT g w a -> StoreT g w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> StoreT g w a -> f a Source #

ComonadStore s w => ComonadStore s (EnvT e w) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Store.Class


pos :: EnvT e w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> EnvT e w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> EnvT e w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> EnvT e w a -> EnvT e w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> EnvT e w a -> EnvT e w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> EnvT e w a -> f a Source #

Comonad w => ComonadStore s (StoreT s w) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Store.Class


pos :: StoreT s w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> StoreT s w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT s w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> StoreT s w a -> StoreT s w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> StoreT s w a -> StoreT s w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> StoreT s w a -> f a Source #

(ComonadStore s w, Monoid m) => ComonadStore s (TracedT m w) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Store.Class


pos :: TracedT m w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> TracedT m w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> TracedT m w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> TracedT m w a -> TracedT m w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> TracedT m w a -> TracedT m w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> TracedT m w a -> f a Source #

ComonadStore s w => ComonadStore s (IdentityT w) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Comonad.Store.Class


pos :: IdentityT w a -> s Source #

peek :: s -> IdentityT w a -> a Source #

peeks :: (s -> s) -> IdentityT w a -> a Source #

seek :: s -> IdentityT w a -> IdentityT w a Source #

seeks :: (s -> s) -> IdentityT w a -> IdentityT w a Source #

experiment :: Functor f => (s -> f s) -> IdentityT w a -> f a Source #