{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal.HList (
  -- * HRec and Label types
  HRec (HNil, HCons),
  HRecGeneric (HRecGeneric),
  Labeled (Labeled, unLabeled),

  -- * Field indexing functions

  -- * Type families
  type IndexList,
  type IndexLabel,
  type SingleItem,
  type Drop,

  -- * Internal utils
  Elem (..),
  ElemOf (..),
) where

import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import GHC.Records (HasField, getField)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import Plutarch.Builtin (PAsData)
import Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal.FromData (PFromDataable, pmaybeFromAsData)
import Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal.HList.Utils (
  Elem (Here, There),
  Labeled (Labeled, unLabeled),
import Plutarch.Internal (Term)
import Plutarch.Internal.TypeFamily (Snd)

---------- HList and HRec types

type HRec :: [(Symbol, Type)] -> Type
data HRec as where
  HNil :: HRec '[]
  HCons :: Labeled name a -> HRec as -> HRec ('(name, a) ': as)

---------- Field indexing functions

-- | Index HRec using Elem
indexHRec :: HRec as -> (forall a. Elem a as -> Snd a)
indexHRec :: forall (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
HRec as
-> forall (a :: (Symbol, Type)).
   Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as -> Snd @Type @Symbol a
indexHRec (HCons Labeled @Symbol name a
x HRec as
_) Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as
Here = forall {k} (sym :: k) a. Labeled @k sym a -> a
unLabeled Labeled @Symbol name a
indexHRec (HCons Labeled @Symbol name a
_ HRec as
xs) (There Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as1
i) = forall (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
HRec as
-> forall (a :: (Symbol, Type)).
   Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as -> Snd @Type @Symbol a
indexHRec HRec as
xs Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as1
indexHRec HRec as
HNil Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as
impossible = case Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as
impossible of {}

{- |
  Index a HList with a field in a provided list of fields.

  >>> xs = HRec @["x", "y", "z"] (HCons 1 (HCons 2 (HCons 3 HNil)))
  >>> hrecField @"y" @["x", "y", "z"] xs
  >>> 2
hrecField' ::
  forall name a as.
  ElemOf name a as =>
  HRec as ->
hrecField' :: forall (name :: Symbol) a (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
ElemOf name a as =>
HRec as -> a
hrecField' HRec as
xs = forall (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
HRec as
-> forall (a :: (Symbol, Type)).
   Elem @(Symbol, Type) a as -> Snd @Type @Symbol a
indexHRec HRec as
xs forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) a (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
ElemOf name a as =>
Elem @(Symbol, Type) '(name, a) as
elemOf @name @a @as

---------- Internal utils

{- |
  Construct an `Elem` via Nat.

  This class could instead be a more direct version of 'indexHList',
  but perhaps the `Elem` encoding will be useful.
type ElemOf :: Symbol -> Type -> [(Symbol, Type)] -> Constraint
class IndexLabel name as ~ a => ElemOf name a as | as name -> a where
  -- | Construct the `Elem` corresponding to a Nat index.
  --    Example:
  --    >>> natElem @_ @0
  --    Here
  --    >>> natElem @_ @3
  --    There (There (There Here))
  elemOf :: Elem '(name, a) as

instance ElemOf name a ('(name, a) ': as) where
  elemOf :: Elem '(name, a) ('(name, a) ': as)
  elemOf :: Elem
  @(Symbol, Type) '(name, a) ((':) @(Symbol, Type) '(name, a) as)
elemOf = forall {k} (a :: k) (as1 :: [k]). Elem @k a ((':) @k a as1)

  ( IndexLabel name (b ': as) ~ a
  , ElemOf name a as
  ) =>
  ElemOf name a (b ': as)
  elemOf :: Elem '(name, a) (b ': as)
  elemOf :: Elem @(Symbol, Type) '(name, a) ((':) @(Symbol, Type) b as)
elemOf = forall {k} (a :: k) (as1 :: [k]) (b :: k).
Elem @k a as1 -> Elem @k a ((':) @k b as1)
There (forall (name :: Symbol) a (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
ElemOf name a as =>
Elem @(Symbol, Type) '(name, a) as
elemOf @name @a @as)

{- |
  Index a `HRec` with a field in a provided list of data fields.
  Implicitly unwraps `PAsData a` to `a` when necessary.

  >>> xs = HRec @["x", "y", "z"] (HCons 1 (HCons 2 (HCons 3 HNil)))
  >>> hrecField @"y" @["x", "y", "z"] xs
  >>> 2
hrecField ::
  forall name c as a b s.
  ( ElemOf name a as
  , Term s (PAsData b) ~ a
  , PFromDataable b c
  ) =>
  HRec as ->
  Term s c
hrecField :: forall (name :: Symbol) (c :: PType) (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]) a
       (b :: PType) (s :: S).
(ElemOf name a as, (Term s (PAsData b) :: Type) ~ (a :: Type),
 PFromDataable b c) =>
HRec as -> Term s c
hrecField HRec as
xs = forall (a :: PType) (b :: PType) (s :: S).
PFromDataable a b =>
Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s b
pmaybeFromAsData forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (name :: Symbol) a (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
ElemOf name a as =>
HRec as -> a
hrecField' @name HRec as
{-# DEPRECATED hrecField "please use getField from GHC.Records" #-}

---------- HasField instances
  forall name c as a b s.
  ( IndexLabel name as ~ a
  , ElemOf name a as
  , Term s (PAsData b) ~ a
  , PFromDataable b c
  ) =>
  HasField name (HRec as) (Term s c)
  getField :: HRec as -> Term s c
getField = forall (name :: Symbol) (c :: PType) (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]) a
       (b :: PType) (s :: S).
(ElemOf name a as, (Term s (PAsData b) :: Type) ~ (a :: Type),
 PFromDataable b c) =>
HRec as -> Term s c
hrecField @name

-- Generic HRec

newtype HRecGeneric as = HRecGeneric (HRec as)

  forall name a as.
  ( IndexLabel name as ~ a
  , ElemOf name a as
  ) =>
  HasField name (HRecGeneric as) a
  getField :: HRecGeneric as -> a
getField (HRecGeneric HRec as
x) = forall (name :: Symbol) a (as :: [(Symbol, Type)]).
ElemOf name a as =>
HRec as -> a
hrecField' @name HRec as