{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module PlutusTx.Code where
import PlutusTx.Coverage
import PlutusTx.Lift.Instances ()
import PlutusIR qualified as PIR
import PlutusCore qualified as PLC
import UntypedPlutusCore qualified as UPLC
import Control.Exception
import Flat (Flat (..), unflat)
import Flat.Decoder (DecodeException)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import ErrorCode
import Prelude as Haskell
type role CompiledCodeIn representational representational nominal
data CompiledCodeIn uni fun a =
SerializedCode BS.ByteString (Maybe BS.ByteString) CoverageIndex
| DeserializedCode (UPLC.Program UPLC.NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()) (Maybe (PIR.Program PLC.TyName PLC.Name uni fun ())) CoverageIndex
type CompiledCode = CompiledCodeIn PLC.DefaultUni PLC.DefaultFun
:: (PLC.Closed uni, uni `PLC.Everywhere` Flat, Flat fun)
=> CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b) -> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CompiledCodeIn uni fun b
applyCode :: forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a b.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b)
-> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CompiledCodeIn uni fun b
applyCode CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b)
fun CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
arg = forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
-> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
-> CoverageIndex
-> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
DeserializedCode (forall name (uni :: * -> *) fun.
Program name uni fun ()
-> Program name uni fun () -> Program name uni fun ()
UPLC.applyProgram (forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b)
fun) (forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
arg)) (forall a tyname name (uni :: * -> *) fun.
Monoid a =>
Program tyname name uni fun a
-> Program tyname name uni fun a -> Program tyname name uni fun a
PIR.applyProgram forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
getPir CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b)
fun forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
getPir CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
arg) (forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CoverageIndex
getCovIdx CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b)
fun forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CoverageIndex
getCovIdx CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
sizePlc :: (PLC.Closed uni, uni `PLC.Everywhere` Flat, Flat fun) => CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Integer
sizePlc :: forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Integer
sizePlc = forall name (uni :: * -> *) fun ann.
Program name uni fun ann -> Integer
UPLC.programSize forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
instance (PLC.Closed uni, uni `PLC.Everywhere` Flat, Flat fun)
=> Flat (CompiledCodeIn uni fun a) where
encode :: CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Encoding
encode CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
c = forall a. Flat a => a -> Encoding
encode (forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
decode :: Get (CompiledCodeIn uni fun a)
decode = do
Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
p <- forall a. Flat a => Get a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
-> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
-> CoverageIndex
-> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
DeserializedCode Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
p forall a. Maybe a
Nothing forall a. Monoid a => a
size :: CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> NumBits -> NumBits
size CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
c = forall a. Flat a => a -> NumBits -> NumBits
size (forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
newtype ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure = ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure DecodeException
deriving anyclass (Show ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
Typeable ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
SomeException -> Maybe ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> String
ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> SomeException
forall e.
Typeable e
-> Show e
-> (e -> SomeException)
-> (SomeException -> Maybe e)
-> (e -> String)
-> Exception e
displayException :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> String
$cdisplayException :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> String
fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
$cfromException :: SomeException -> Maybe ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
toException :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> SomeException
$ctoException :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> SomeException
instance Show ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure where
show :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> String
show (ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure DecodeException
e) = String
"Failed to deserialise our own program! This is a bug, please report it. Caused by: " forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ forall a. Show a => a -> String
show DecodeException
instance HasErrorCode ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure where
errorCode :: ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure -> ErrorCode
errorCode ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure {} = Natural -> ErrorCode
ErrorCode Natural
:: (PLC.Closed uni, uni `PLC.Everywhere` Flat, Flat fun)
=> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> UPLC.Program UPLC.NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc :: forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
getPlc CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper = case CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper of
SerializedCode ByteString
plc Maybe ByteString
_ CoverageIndex
_ -> case forall a b. (Flat a, AsByteString b) => b -> Decoded a
unflat (ByteString -> ByteString
BSL.fromStrict ByteString
plc) of
Left DecodeException
e -> forall a e. Exception e => e -> a
throw forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecodeException -> ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure DecodeException
Right Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
p -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
DeserializedCode Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
plc Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
_ CoverageIndex
_ -> Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
:: (PLC.Closed uni, uni `PLC.Everywhere` Flat, Flat fun)
=> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Maybe (PIR.Program PIR.TyName PIR.Name uni fun ())
getPir :: forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat, Flat fun) =>
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
getPir CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper = case CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper of
SerializedCode ByteString
_ Maybe ByteString
pir CoverageIndex
_ -> case Maybe ByteString
pir of
Just ByteString
bs -> case forall a b. (Flat a, AsByteString b) => b -> Decoded a
unflat (ByteString -> ByteString
BSL.fromStrict ByteString
bs) of
Left DecodeException
e -> forall a e. Exception e => e -> a
throw forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DecodeException -> ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure
ImpossibleDeserialisationFailure DecodeException
Right Program TyName Name uni fun ()
p -> forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Program TyName Name uni fun ()
Maybe ByteString
Nothing -> forall a. Maybe a
DeserializedCode Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
_ Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
pir CoverageIndex
_ -> Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
getCovIdx :: CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CoverageIndex
getCovIdx :: forall (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> CoverageIndex
getCovIdx CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper = case CompiledCodeIn uni fun a
wrapper of
SerializedCode ByteString
_ Maybe ByteString
_ CoverageIndex
idx -> CoverageIndex
DeserializedCode Program NamedDeBruijn uni fun ()
_ Maybe (Program TyName Name uni fun ())
_ CoverageIndex
idx -> CoverageIndex