{- |
Get terminal window height and width without ncurses dependency

Based on answer by Andreas Hammar at <http://stackoverflow.com/a/12807521/972985>
module System.Console.Terminal.Size
  ( Window(..)
  , size
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
  , fdSize
  , hSize
  ) where

import System.Console.Terminal.Common
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Windows as Host
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Posix as Host
import System.Posix.Types(Fd)
import System.IO(Handle)

-- | Get terminal window width and height for @stdout@.
-- >>> import System.Console.Terminal.Size
-- >>> size
-- Just (Window {height = 60, width = 112})
size :: Integral n => IO (Maybe (Window n))
size :: forall n. Integral n => IO (Maybe (Window n))
size = forall n. Integral n => IO (Maybe (Window n))

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-- | /Not available on Windows:/
-- Get terminal window width and height for a specified file descriptor. If
-- it's not attached to a terminal then 'Nothing' is returned.
-- >>> import System.Console.Terminal.Size
-- >>> import System.Posix
-- >>> fdSize stdOutput
-- Just (Window {height = 56, width = 85})
-- >>> fd <- openFd "foo" ReadWrite (Just stdFileMode) defaultFileFlags
-- >>> fdSize fd
-- Nothing
fdSize :: Integral n => Fd -> IO (Maybe (Window n))
fdSize :: forall n. Integral n => Fd -> IO (Maybe (Window n))
fdSize = forall n. Integral n => Fd -> IO (Maybe (Window n))

-- | /Not available on Windows:/
--   Same as 'fdSize', but takes 'Handle' instead of 'Fd' (file descriptor).
-- >>> import System.Console.Terminal.Size
-- >>> import System.IO
-- >>> hSize stdout
-- Just (Window {height = 56, width = 85})
hSize :: Integral n => Handle -> IO (Maybe (Window n))
hSize :: forall n. Integral n => Handle -> IO (Maybe (Window n))
hSize = forall n. Integral n => Handle -> IO (Maybe (Window n))