megaparsec-9.2.2: Monadic parser combinators
Copyright© 2015–present Megaparsec contributors
MaintainerMark Karpov <[email protected]>
Safe HaskellSafe



Stripped-down version of Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer for streams of bytes.

This module is intended to be imported qualified:

import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Byte.Lexer as L

White space

space Source #


:: MonadParsec e s m 
=> m ()

A parser for space characters which does not accept empty input (e.g. space1)

-> m ()

A parser for a line comment (e.g. skipLineComment)

-> m ()

A parser for a block comment (e.g. skipBlockComment)

-> m () 

space sc lineComment blockComment produces a parser that can parse white space in general. It's expected that you create such a parser once and pass it to other functions in this module as needed (when you see spaceConsumer in documentation, usually it means that something like space is expected there).

sc is used to parse blocks of space characters. You can use space1 from Text.Megaparsec.Char for this purpose as well as your own parser (if you don't want to automatically consume newlines, for example). Make sure that the parser does not succeed on the empty input though. In an earlier version of the library spaceChar was recommended, but now parsers based on takeWhile1P are preferred because of their speed.

lineComment is used to parse line comments. You can use skipLineComment if you don't need anything special.

blockComment is used to parse block (multi-line) comments. You can use skipBlockComment or skipBlockCommentNested if you don't need anything special.

If you don't want to allow a kind of comment, simply pass empty which will fail instantly when parsing of that sort of comment is attempted and space will just move on or finish depending on whether there is more white space for it to consume.

lexeme Source #


:: MonadParsec e s m 
=> m ()

How to consume white space after lexeme

-> m a

How to parse actual lexeme

-> m a 

This is a wrapper for lexemes. The typical usage is to supply the first argument (parser that consumes white space, probably defined via space) and use the resulting function to wrap parsers for every lexeme.

lexeme  = L.lexeme spaceConsumer
integer = lexeme L.decimal

symbol Source #


:: MonadParsec e s m 
=> m ()

How to consume white space after lexeme

-> Tokens s

Symbol to parse

-> m (Tokens s) 

This is a helper to parse symbols, i.e. verbatim strings. You pass the first argument (parser that consumes white space, probably defined via space) and then you can use the resulting function to parse strings:

symbol    = L.symbol spaceConsumer

parens    = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")
braces    = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}")
angles    = between (symbol "<") (symbol ">")
brackets  = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")
semicolon = symbol ";"
comma     = symbol ","
colon     = symbol ":"
dot       = symbol "."

symbol' Source #


:: (MonadParsec e s m, FoldCase (Tokens s)) 
=> m ()

How to consume white space after lexeme

-> Tokens s

Symbol to parse (case-insensitive)

-> m (Tokens s) 

A case-insensitive version of symbol. This may be helpful if you're working with case-insensitive languages.

skipLineComment Source #


:: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) 
=> Tokens s

Line comment prefix

-> m () 

Given a comment prefix this function returns a parser that skips line comments. Note that it stops just before the newline character but doesn't consume the newline. Newline is either supposed to be consumed by space parser or picked up manually.

skipBlockComment Source #


:: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) 
=> Tokens s

Start of block comment

-> Tokens s

End of block comment

-> m () 

skipBlockComment start end skips non-nested block comment starting with start and ending with end.

skipBlockCommentNested Source #


:: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) 
=> Tokens s

Start of block comment

-> Tokens s

End of block comment

-> m () 

skipBlockCommentNested start end skips possibly nested block comment starting with start and ending with end.

Since: 5.0.0


decimal :: forall e s m a. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, Num a) => m a Source #

Parse an integer in the decimal representation according to the format of integer literals described in the Haskell report.

If you need to parse signed integers, see the signed combinator.

Warning: this function does not perform range checks.

binary :: forall e s m a. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, Num a) => m a Source #

Parse an integer in the binary representation. The binary number is expected to be a non-empty sequence of zeroes “0” and ones “1”.

You could of course parse some prefix before the actual number:

binary = char 48 >> char' 98 >> L.binary

Warning: this function does not perform range checks.

Since: 7.0.0

octal :: forall e s m a. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, Num a) => m a Source #

Parse an integer in the octal representation. The format of the octal number is expected to be according to the Haskell report except for the fact that this parser doesn't parse “0o” or “0O” prefix. It is a responsibility of the programmer to parse correct prefix before parsing the number itself.

For example you can make it conform to the Haskell report like this:

octal = char 48 >> char' 111 >> L.octal

Warning: this function does not perform range checks.

hexadecimal :: forall e s m a. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, Num a) => m a Source #

Parse an integer in the hexadecimal representation. The format of the hexadecimal number is expected to be according to the Haskell report except for the fact that this parser doesn't parse “0x” or “0X” prefix. It is a responsibility of the programmer to parse correct prefix before parsing the number itself.

For example you can make it conform to the Haskell report like this:

hexadecimal = char 48 >> char' 120 >> L.hexadecimal

Warning: this function does not perform range checks.

scientific :: forall e s m. (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8) => m Scientific Source #

Parse a floating point value as a Scientific number. Scientific is great for parsing of arbitrary precision numbers coming from an untrusted source. See documentation in Data.Scientific for more information.

The parser can be used to parse integers or floating point values. Use functions like floatingOrInteger from Data.Scientific to test and extract integer or real values.

This function does not parse sign, if you need to parse signed numbers, see signed.

float :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, RealFloat a) => m a Source #

Parse a floating point number according to the syntax for floating point literals described in the Haskell report.

This function does not parse sign, if you need to parse signed numbers, see signed.

Note: in versions this function accepted plain integers.

signed Source #


:: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Word8, Num a) 
=> m ()

How to consume white space after the sign

-> m a

How to parse the number itself

-> m a

Parser for signed numbers

signed space p parser parses an optional sign character (“+” or “-”), then if there is a sign it consumes optional white space (using space parser), then it runs parser p which should return a number. Sign of the number is changed according to the previously parsed sign character.

For example, to parse signed integer you can write:

lexeme        = L.lexeme spaceConsumer
integer       = lexeme L.decimal
signedInteger = L.signed spaceConsumer integer