serialise- A binary serialisation library for Haskell values.
Copyright(c) Duncan Coutts 2015-2017
LicenseBSD3-style (see LICENSE.txt)
Maintainer[email protected]
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



High level API for decoding values that were encoded with the Codec.Serialise.Encoding module, using a Monad based interface.


Decode primitive operations

data Decoder s a Source #

A continuation-based decoder, used for decoding values that were previously encoded using the Codec.CBOR.Encoding module. As Decoder has a Monad instance, you can easily write Decoders monadically for building your deserialisation logic.

Since: cborg-


Instances details
MonadFail (Decoder s)

Since: cborg-

Instance details

Defined in Codec.CBOR.Decoding


fail :: String -> Decoder s a Source #

Applicative (Decoder s)

Since: cborg-

Instance details

Defined in Codec.CBOR.Decoding


pure :: a -> Decoder s a Source #

(<*>) :: Decoder s (a -> b) -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s c Source #

(*>) :: Decoder s a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s b Source #

(<*) :: Decoder s a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s a Source #

Functor (Decoder s)

Since: cborg-

Instance details

Defined in Codec.CBOR.Decoding


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s a Source #

Monad (Decoder s)

Since: cborg-

Instance details

Defined in Codec.CBOR.Decoding


(>>=) :: Decoder s a -> (a -> Decoder s b) -> Decoder s b Source #

(>>) :: Decoder s a -> Decoder s b -> Decoder s b Source #

return :: a -> Decoder s a Source #

data DecodeAction s a Source #

An action, representing a step for a decoder to taken and a continuation to invoke with the expected value.

Since: cborg-


ConsumeWord (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord8 (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord16 (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord32 (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeNegWord (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt8 (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt16 (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt32 (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeListLen (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeMapLen (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeTag (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInteger (Integer -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeFloat (Float# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeDouble (Double# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeBytes (ByteString -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeByteArray (ByteArray -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeString (Text -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeUtf8ByteArray (ByteArray -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeBool (Bool -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeSimple (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeBytesIndef (ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeStringIndef (ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeListLenIndef (ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeMapLenIndef (ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeNull (ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeListLenOrIndef (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeMapLenOrIndef (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeBreakOr (Bool -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
PeekTokenType (TokenType -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
PeekAvailable (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
PeekByteOffset (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWordCanonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord8Canonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord16Canonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeWord32Canonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeNegWordCanonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeIntCanonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt8Canonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt16Canonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeInt32Canonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeListLenCanonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeMapLenCanonical (Int# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeTagCanonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeIntegerCanonical (Integer -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeFloat16Canonical (Float# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeFloatCanonical (Float# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeDoubleCanonical (Double# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeBytesCanonical (ByteString -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeByteArrayCanonical (ByteArray -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeStringCanonical (Text -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeUtf8ByteArrayCanonical (ByteArray -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
ConsumeSimpleCanonical (Word# -> ST s (DecodeAction s a)) 
Fail String 
Done a 

getDecodeAction :: Decoder s a -> ST s (DecodeAction s a) Source #

Given a Decoder, give us the DecodeAction

Since: cborg-

Read input tokens

decodeWord :: Decoder s Word Source #

Decode a Word.

Since: cborg-

decodeWord8 :: Decoder s Word8 Source #

Decode a Word8.

Since: cborg-

decodeWord16 :: Decoder s Word16 Source #

Decode a Word16.

Since: cborg-

decodeWord32 :: Decoder s Word32 Source #

Decode a Word32.

Since: cborg-

decodeWord64 :: Decoder s Word64 Source #

Decode a Word64.

Since: cborg-

decodeNegWord :: Decoder s Word Source #

Decode a negative Word.

Since: cborg-

decodeNegWord64 :: Decoder s Word64 Source #

Decode a negative Word64.

Since: cborg-

decodeInt :: Decoder s Int Source #

Decode an Int.

Since: cborg-

decodeInt8 :: Decoder s Int8 Source #

Decode an Int8.

Since: cborg-

decodeInt16 :: Decoder s Int16 Source #

Decode an Int16.

Since: cborg-

decodeInt32 :: Decoder s Int32 Source #

Decode an Int32.

Since: cborg-

decodeInt64 :: Decoder s Int64 Source #

Decode an Int64.

Since: cborg-

decodeInteger :: Decoder s Integer Source #

Decode an Integer.

Since: cborg-

decodeFloat :: Decoder s Float Source #

Decode a Float.

Since: cborg-

decodeDouble :: Decoder s Double Source #

Decode a Double.

Since: cborg-

decodeBytes :: Decoder s ByteString Source #

Decode a string of bytes as a ByteString.

Since: cborg-

decodeBytesIndef :: Decoder s () Source #

Decode a token marking the beginning of an indefinite length set of bytes.

Since: cborg-

decodeByteArray :: Decoder s ByteArray Source #

Decode a string of bytes as a ByteArray.

Also note that this will eagerly copy the content out of the input to ensure that the input does not leak in the event that the ByteArray is live but not forced.

Since: cborg-

decodeString :: Decoder s Text Source #

Decode a textual string as a piece of Text.

Since: cborg-

decodeStringIndef :: Decoder s () Source #

Decode a token marking the beginning of an indefinite length string.

Since: cborg-

decodeUtf8ByteArray :: Decoder s ByteArray Source #

Decode a textual string as UTF-8 encoded ByteArray. Note that the result is not validated to be well-formed UTF-8.

Also note that this will eagerly copy the content out of the input to ensure that the input does not leak in the event that the ByteArray is live but not forced.

Since: cborg-

decodeListLen :: Decoder s Int Source #

Decode the length of a list.

Since: cborg-

decodeListLenIndef :: Decoder s () Source #

Decode a token marking the beginning of a list of indefinite length.

Since: cborg-

decodeMapLen :: Decoder s Int Source #

Decode the length of a map.

Since: cborg-

decodeMapLenIndef :: Decoder s () Source #

Decode a token marking the beginning of a map of indefinite length.

Since: cborg-

decodeTag :: Decoder s Word Source #

Decode an arbitrary tag and return it as a Word.

Since: cborg-

decodeTag64 :: Decoder s Word64 Source #

Decode an arbitrary 64-bit tag and return it as a Word64.

Since: cborg-

decodeBool :: Decoder s Bool Source #

Decode a bool.

Since: cborg-

decodeNull :: Decoder s () Source #

Decode a nullary value, and return a unit value.

Since: cborg-

decodeSimple :: Decoder s Word8 Source #

Decode a simple CBOR value and give back a Word8. You probably don't ever need to use this.

Since: cborg-

Specialised Read input token operations

decodeWordOf Source #


:: Word

Expected value of the decoded word

-> Decoder s () 

Attempt to decode a word with decodeWord, and ensure the word is exactly as expected, or fail.

Since: cborg-

decodeListLenOf :: Int -> Decoder s () Source #

Attempt to decode a list length using decodeListLen, and ensure it is exactly the specified length, or fail.

Since: cborg-

Branching operations

decodeListLenOrIndef :: Decoder s (Maybe Int) Source #

Attempt to decode a token for the length of a finite, known list, or an indefinite list. If Nothing is returned, then an indefinite length list occurs afterwords. If Just x is returned, then a list of length x is encoded.

Since: cborg-

decodeMapLenOrIndef :: Decoder s (Maybe Int) Source #

Attempt to decode a token for the length of a finite, known map, or an indefinite map. If Nothing is returned, then an indefinite length map occurs afterwords. If Just x is returned, then a map of length x is encoded.

Since: cborg-

decodeBreakOr :: Decoder s Bool Source #

Attempt to decode a Break token, and if that was successful, return True. If the token was of any other type, return False.

Since: cborg-

Inspecting the token type

peekTokenType :: Decoder s TokenType Source #

Peek at the current token we're about to decode, and return a TokenType specifying what it is.

Since: cborg-

peekAvailable :: Decoder s Int Source #

Peek and return the length of the current buffer that we're running our decoder on.

Since: cborg-

data TokenType Source #

The type of a token, which a decoder can ask for at an arbitrary time.

Since: cborg-

Special operations

Sequence operations

decodeSequenceLenIndef :: (r -> a -> r) -> r -> (r -> r') -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s r' Source #

Decode an indefinite sequence length.

Since: cborg-

decodeSequenceLenN :: (r -> a -> r) -> r -> (r -> r') -> Int -> Decoder s a -> Decoder s r' Source #

Decode a sequence length.

Since: cborg-