liqwid-plutarch-extra-3.21.1: A collection of Plutarch extras from Liqwid Labs
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




passetClassDataValue :: forall (s :: S). Term s (PAssetClassData :--> (PInteger :--> PValue 'Sorted 'NonZero)) Source #

Create a PValue that only contains a specific amount of tokens, described by a PAssetClassData.

Since: 3.10.0

passetClassDataValueT :: forall {k :: Type} (unit :: k) (s :: S). Term s (PTagged unit PAssetClassData :--> (PTagged unit PInteger :--> PValue 'Sorted 'NonZero)) Source #

Tagged version of passetClassDataValue.

Since: 3.14.1

psingleValue :: forall (key :: KeyGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PAsData PCurrencySymbol :--> (PAsData PTokenName :--> (PInteger :--> PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap key PTokenName PInteger))))) Source #

Helper to construct the 'inner mapping' of a PValue.

Since: 3.9.0

psingleValue' :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (a :: Type) (k :: Type) (s :: S). (Is k A_Getter, LabelOptic' "symbol" k a CurrencySymbol, LabelOptic' "name" k a TokenName) => a -> Term s (PInteger :--> PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap keys PTokenName PInteger))) Source #

As psingleValue, but using a Haskell-level AssetClass.

Since: 3.10.0

psingleValueT' :: forall {k :: Type} (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (unit :: k) (s :: S). Tagged unit AssetClass -> Term s (PTagged unit PInteger :--> PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap keys PTokenName PInteger))) Source #

Tagged version of psingleValue`.

Since: 3.14.1

pvalue :: forall (k :: KeyGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PBuiltinList (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap k PTokenName PInteger))) :--> PAsData (PValue k 'NoGuarantees)) Source #

Construct a PValue from its underlying representation. There are NoGuarantees on the amounts.

Since: 3.10.0

pvaluePositive :: forall (k :: KeyGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PBuiltinList (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap k PTokenName PInteger))) :--> PAsData (PValue k 'Positive)) Source #

Construct a PValue from its underlying representation. The amounts are guaranteed to be Positive, so this is suitable for construction of PTxOuts.

Since: 3.9.0


padaOf :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PValue keys amounts :--> PInteger) Source #

Get the amount of ada of a PValue.

Since: 3.9.0

passetClassValueOf' :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (a :: Type) (k :: Type) (s :: S). (Is k A_Getter, LabelOptic' "symbol" k a CurrencySymbol, LabelOptic' "name" k a TokenName) => a -> Term s (PValue keys amounts :--> PInteger) Source #

As passetClassValueOf, but using a Haskell-level AssetClass.

Since: 3.9.0

passetClassValueOf :: forall (key :: KeyGuarantees) (amount :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PAssetClass :--> (PValue key amount :--> PInteger)) Source #

Given a PAssetClass and a PValue, look up the amount corresponding to that PAssetClass.

Since: 3.9.0

passetClassValueOfT' :: forall {k :: Type} (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (unit :: k) (s :: S). Tagged unit AssetClass -> Term s (PValue keys amounts :--> PTagged unit PInteger) Source #

Tagged version of passetClassValueOf`.

Since: 3.14.1

passetClassValueOfT :: forall {k :: Type} (key :: KeyGuarantees) (amount :: AmountGuarantees) (unit :: k) (s :: S). Term s (PTagged unit PAssetClass :--> (PValue key amount :--> PTagged unit PInteger)) Source #

Tagged version of passetClassValueOf.

Since: 3.9.0

passetClassDataValueOf :: forall (key :: KeyGuarantees) (amount :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PAssetClassData :--> (PValue key amount :--> PInteger)) Source #

Given a PAssetClassData and a PValue, look up the amount corresponding to that PAssetClassData.

Since: 3.21.4

passetClassDataValueOfT :: forall {k :: Type} (key :: KeyGuarantees) (amount :: AmountGuarantees) (unit :: k) (s :: S). Term s (PTagged unit PAssetClassData :--> (PValue key amount :--> PTagged unit PInteger)) Source #

Tagged version of passetClassDataValueOf.

Since: 3.21.4

pmatchValueAssets :: forall (input :: [(Symbol, Type)]) (s :: S). (MatchValueAssetReferences input s, HRecToList input AssetClass) => Term s (PBuiltinList (PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol) (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger)))) -> HRec input -> TermCont s (HRec (OutputMatchValueAssets input s)) Source #

Extracts the amount given by the PAssetClass from (the internal representation of) a PValue.

Intuitively, this acts as a 'pattern match' on PValue. You don't have to provide every asset class, only the ones you are interested in.


example :: forall (s :: S) .
   Term s (PBuiltinList (
     PBuiltinPair (PAsData PCurrencySymbol)
                  (PAsData (PMap 'Sorted PTokenName PInteger))
     ) -> TermConst s ()
example rep = do
   rec <- matchValueAssets @'['("ada", AssetClass "Ada")]
             (HCons (Labeled adaClass) HNil)
   -- Or using operators
   rec2 <- matchValueAssets rep $ (Proxy @"ada" .|== adaClass) HNIl
   let adaFromRep = rec.ada

Since: 3.9.0

psplitValue :: forall (v :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PValue 'Sorted v :--> PPair (PAsData PInteger) (PValue 'Sorted v)) Source #

Gets the first entry in the first item of the PValue mapping & returns the rest of the PValue.

Fails if the PValue is empty. In cases where we know that a PValue contains Ada, such as in a PScriptContext, then this will function will split the Ada value - since the Ada entry comes first.

NOTE: All properly normalized values will contain an Ada entry, even if that entry is 0.

Since: 3.9.0

Aggregation and elimination

psymbolValueOf :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PValue keys amounts :--> PInteger)) Source #

Get the sum of all values belonging to a particular CurrencySymbol.

Since: 1.1.0

psymbolValueOf' :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PValue keys amounts :--> PMaybe (PPair PInteger PInteger))) Source #

Get the negative and positive amount of a particular CurrencySymbol, and return nothing if it doesn't exist in the value.

Since: 3.14.1

pelimValue :: forall (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (r :: S -> Type) (s :: S). (Term s PCurrencySymbol -> Term s PTokenName -> Term s PInteger -> Term s (PValue 'Sorted amounts) -> Term s r) -> Term s r -> Term s (PValue 'Sorted amounts) -> Term s r Source #

Eliminator for a sorted PValue. The function argument will receive:

If the 'inner map' corresponding to the PCurrencySymbol above contains only a single mapping, the 'rest' will not contain a mapping for that PCurrencySymbol; otherwise, it will contain the rest of the 'inner map'.


The 'nil case' will be invoked in two situations:

  • When the PValue has no entries; and
  • When the 'inner map' corresponding to the first PCurrencySymbol key has no entries.

Since: 3.9.0


pbyClassComparator :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PTokenName :--> PComparator (PValue keys amounts))) Source #

Compare only on the basis of a particular PCurrencySymbol and PTokenName entry.

Since: 3.9.0

pbySymbolComparator :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> PComparator (PValue keys amounts)) Source #

Compare only the entries corresponding to a particular PCurrencySymbol.

Since: 3.9.0

pbyClassComparator' :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). AssetClass -> Term s (PComparator (PValue keys amounts)) Source #

As pbyClassComparator, but using a Haskell-level AssetClass instead.

Since: 3.9.0


type family AddGuarantees (a :: AmountGuarantees) (b :: AmountGuarantees) where ... Source #

Compute the guarantees known after adding two PValues.

Since: 1.1.0

phasOnlyOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol :: forall (kg :: KeyGuarantees) (ag :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PValue kg ag :--> PBool)) Source #

Returns PTrue if the entire argument PValue contains exactly one token of the argument PCurrencySymbol (and contains no other assets).

This implementation makes a special case for ADA, where it allows zero-ada entries in the given PValue.

Since: 3.21.0

phasOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PCurrencySymbol :--> (PValue keys amounts :--> PBool)) Source #

Returns PTrue if the argument PValue contains exactly one token of the argument PCurrencySymbol.

Note: unlike phasOnlyOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol this may still return PTrue if there are other assets in the PValue.

Since: 3.9.1

phasOneTokenOfAssetClass :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PAssetClass :--> (PValue keys amounts :--> PBool)) Source #

Returns PTrue if the argument PValue contains exactly one token of the argument PAssetClass.

Note: unlike phasOnlyOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol this may still return PTrue if there are other assets in the PValue.

Since: 3.9.1

phasOneTokenOfAssetClassData :: forall (keys :: KeyGuarantees) (amounts :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PAssetClassData :--> (PValue keys amounts :--> PBool)) Source #

Returns PTrue if the argument PValue contains exactly one token of the argument PAssetClassData.

Note: unlike phasOnlyOneTokenOfCurrencySymbol this may still return PTrue if there are other assets in the PValue.

Since: 3.21.4

pcountNonZeroes :: forall (kg :: KeyGuarantees) (ag :: AmountGuarantees) (s :: S). Term s (PValue kg ag :--> PInteger) Source #

Returns the count of non-zero currency symbols in a PValue.

So, for a value of the following shape:

      [("", [("", 0)]), ("feed", [("foo", 7)]), ("deed", [("bar", 1)])]

We get the result 2.

Since: 3.21.0