Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
- newtype PDataSum defs s = PDataSum (NS (Compose (Term s) PDataRecord) defs)
- punDataSum :: Term s (PDataSum '[def] :--> PDataRecord def)
- ptryIndexDataSum :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataSum (def ': defs) :--> PDataRecord (IndexList n (def ': defs)))
- data DataReprHandlers (out :: PType) (defs :: [[PLabeledType]]) (s :: S) where
- DRHNil :: DataReprHandlers out '[] s
- DRHCons :: (Term s (PDataRecord def) -> Term s out) -> DataReprHandlers out defs s -> DataReprHandlers out (def ': defs) s
- data PDataRecord (as :: [PLabeledType]) (s :: S) where
- PDCons :: forall name_x x xs s. PUnLabel name_x ~ x => Term s (PAsData x) -> Term s (PDataRecord xs) -> PDataRecord (name_x ': xs) s
- PDNil :: PDataRecord '[] s
- pdcons :: forall label a l s. Term s (PAsData a :--> (PDataRecord l :--> PDataRecord ((label := a) ': l)))
- pdnil :: Term s (PDataRecord '[])
- data PLabeledType = Symbol := PType
- pindexDataRecord :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataRecord as) -> Term s (PAsData (PUnLabel (IndexList n as)))
- pdropDataRecord :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataRecord xs) -> Term s (PDataRecord (Drop n xs))
- newtype DerivePConstantViaData (h :: Type) (p :: PType) = DerivePConstantViaData h
- type PConstantData h = (PConstant h, FromData h, ToData h, PIsData (PConstanted h))
- type PLiftData p = (PLift p, FromData (PLifted p), ToData (PLifted p), PIsData p)
- data PlutusTypeData
- class PDataFields (a :: PType) where
- type PFields a :: [PLabeledType]
- ptoFields :: Term s a -> Term s (PDataRecord (PFields a))
- pletFields :: forall fs a s b ps bs. (PDataFields a, ps ~ PFields a, bs ~ Bindings ps fs, BindFields ps bs) => Term s a -> (HRecOf a fs s -> Term s b) -> Term s b
- pfield :: forall name b p s a as n. (PDataFields p, as ~ PFields p, n ~ PLabelIndex name as, KnownNat n, a ~ PUnLabel (IndexList n as), PFromDataable a b) => Term s (p :--> b)
- data HRec as
- type HRecOf t fs s = HRec (BoundTerms (PFields t) (Bindings (PFields t) fs) s)
- type family PMemberFields t fs s as where ...
- type family PMemberField t name s as where ...
newtype PDataSum defs s Source #
A sum of PDataRecord
s. The underlying representation is the Constr
where the integer is the index of the variant and the list is the record.
PDataSum (NS (Compose (Term s) PDataRecord) defs) |
punDataSum :: Term s (PDataSum '[def] :--> PDataRecord def) Source #
If there is only a single variant, then we can safely extract it.
ptryIndexDataSum :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataSum (def ': defs) :--> PDataRecord (IndexList n (def ': defs))) Source #
Try getting the nth variant. Errs if it's another variant.
data DataReprHandlers (out :: PType) (defs :: [[PLabeledType]]) (s :: S) where Source #
DRHNil :: DataReprHandlers out '[] s | |
DRHCons :: (Term s (PDataRecord def) -> Term s out) -> DataReprHandlers out defs s -> DataReprHandlers out (def ': defs) s |
data PDataRecord (as :: [PLabeledType]) (s :: S) where Source #
A "record" of `exists a. PAsData a`. The underlying representation is `PBuiltinList PData`.
PDCons :: forall name_x x xs s. PUnLabel name_x ~ x => Term s (PAsData x) -> Term s (PDataRecord xs) -> PDataRecord (name_x ': xs) s | |
PDNil :: PDataRecord '[] s |
pdcons :: forall label a l s. Term s (PAsData a :--> (PDataRecord l :--> PDataRecord ((label := a) ': l))) Source #
Cons a field to a data record.
You can specify the label to associate with the field using type applications-
foo :: Term s (PDataRecord '[ "fooField" ':= PByteString ]) foo = pdcons @"fooField" # pdata (phexByteStr "ab") # pdnil
pdnil :: Term s (PDataRecord '[]) Source #
An empty PDataRecord
data PLabeledType Source #
pindexDataRecord :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataRecord as) -> Term s (PAsData (PUnLabel (IndexList n as))) Source #
Safely index a PDataRecord
pdropDataRecord :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Term s (PDataRecord xs) -> Term s (PDataRecord (Drop n xs)) Source #
Safely drop the first n items of a PDataRecord
newtype DerivePConstantViaData (h :: Type) (p :: PType) Source #
For deriving PConstant
for a wrapped type represented by a builtin type, see
DerivePConstantViaData h | The Haskell type for which @PConstant is being derived. |
(PSubtype PData p, PLift p, FromData h, ToData h) => PConstantDecl (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal Associated Types type PConstantRepr (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # type PConstanted (DerivePConstantViaData h p) :: PType Source # Methods pconstantToRepr :: DerivePConstantViaData h p -> PConstantRepr (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # pconstantFromRepr :: PConstantRepr (DerivePConstantViaData h p) -> Maybe (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # | |
type PConstantRepr (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal | |
type PConstanted (DerivePConstantViaData h p) Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal |
type PConstantData h = (PConstant h, FromData h, ToData h, PIsData (PConstanted h)) Source #
Type synonym to simplify deriving of PConstant
via DerivePConstantViaData
A type Foo a
is considered ConstantableData if:
- The wrapped type
has aPConstant
instance. - The lifted type of
has aPUnsafeLiftDecl
instance. - There is type equality between
andPLifted (PConstanted a)
. - The newtype has
These constraints are sufficient to derive a PConstant
instance for the newtype.
For deriving PConstant
for a wrapped type represented in UPLC as Data
, see
Polymorphic types can be derived as follows:
data Bar a = Bar a deriving stock (GHC.Generic) PlutusTx.makeLift ''Bar PlutusTx.makeIsDataIndexed ''Bar [('Bar, 0)] data PBar (a :: PType) (s :: S) = PBar (Term s (PDataRecord '["_0" ':= a])) deriving stock (GHC.Generic) deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, PIsDataRepr) deriving (PlutusType, PIsData, PDataFields) via PIsDataReprInstances (PBar a) instance forall a. PLiftData a => PUnsafeLiftDecl (PBar a) where type PLifted (PBar a) = Bar (PLifted a) deriving via ( DerivePConstantViaData (Bar a) (PBar (PConstanted a)) ) instance PConstantData a => PConstantDecl (Bar a)
data PlutusTypeData Source #
PlutusTypeStrat PlutusTypeData Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal Associated Types type PlutusTypeStratConstraint PlutusTypeData :: PType -> Constraint Source # type DerivedPInner PlutusTypeData a :: PType Source # Methods derivedPCon :: forall a (s :: S). (DerivePlutusType a, DPTStrat a ~ PlutusTypeData) => a s -> Term s (DerivedPInner PlutusTypeData a) Source # derivedPMatch :: forall a (s :: S) (b :: PType). (DerivePlutusType a, DPTStrat a ~ PlutusTypeData) => Term s (DerivedPInner PlutusTypeData a) -> (a s -> Term s b) -> Term s b Source # | |
type PlutusTypeStratConstraint PlutusTypeData Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal | |
type DerivedPInner PlutusTypeData a Source # | |
Defined in Plutarch.DataRepr.Internal |
class PDataFields (a :: PType) where Source #
Class allowing letFields
to work for a PType, usually via
, but is derived for some other types for convenience.
Minimal complete definition
ptoFields :: Term s a -> Term s (PDataRecord (PFields a)) Source #
Convert a Term to a PDataList
pletFields :: forall fs a s b ps bs. (PDataFields a, ps ~ PFields a, bs ~ Bindings ps fs, BindFields ps bs) => Term s a -> (HRecOf a fs s -> Term s b) -> Term s b Source #
Bind a HRec of named fields containing all the specified fields.
pfield :: forall name b p s a as n. (PDataFields p, as ~ PFields p, n ~ PLabelIndex name as, KnownNat n, a ~ PUnLabel (IndexList n as), PFromDataable a b) => Term s (p :--> b) Source #
Get a single field from a Term.
- NB*: If you access more than one field from
the same value you should use
instead, which will generate the bindings more efficiently.
type HRecOf t fs s = HRec (BoundTerms (PFields t) (Bindings (PFields t) fs) s) Source #
The HRec
yielded by 'pletFields @fs t'.
type family PMemberFields t fs s as where ... Source #
Constrain an HRec
to contain the specified fields from the given Plutarch type.
Example ===
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP
import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.DataRepr
newtype PFooType s = PFooType (Term s (PDataRecord '["frst" ':= PInteger, "scnd" ':= PBool, "thrd" ':= PString]))
deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (Generic)
deriving anyclass (PIsDataRepr)
(PlutusType, PIsData, PDataFields, PEq)
via PIsDataReprInstances PFooType
foo :: PMemberFields PFooType '["scnd", "frst"] s as => HRec as -> Term s PInteger
foo h = pif (getField "scnd" h) (getField
"frst" h) 0
PMemberFields _ '[] _ _ = () | |
PMemberFields t (name ': rest) s as = (PMemberField t name s as, PMemberFields t rest s as) |
type family PMemberField t name s as where ... Source #
Single field version of PMemberFields
PMemberField t name s as = (IndexLabel name as ~ Term s (PAsData (PLookupLabel name (PFields t))), ElemOf name (Term s (PAsData (PLookupLabel name (PFields t)))) as) |